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invoice and delivery address

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    invoice and delivery address

    I have set up a user account, which has an invoice address, and 2 delivery addresses. I want to be able to only allow the invoice address for invoices, and either of the 2 delivery addresses for delivery. I have selected the options in the customer account to reflect this, but it wont let me select the 2nd delivery address if I don't allow it to be the invoice address too.

    So what I want to do are:

    a) Create and account for a customer
    b) Allow 1 invoice address, but multiple delivery addresses
    c) When the customer comes to checkout, only be allow the 1 invoice address for billing, but any of the delivery addresses for delivery.

    Can anybody help me?



    I created a customer account with two addresses. I made Address 1 valid as both an invoice address and a delivery address, but I made Address 2 only valid as a delivery address.

    I then set Address 1 as the invoice address for the 'Main Contact' in the 'Account Tab'.

    I then created a new buyer and set the delivery address to 'Address 1' and selected the option of 'Allow Selection But Default to This Address'.

    Then when I checkout out as this customer, I was not able to choose an invoice address, but I could choose a delivery address. I did have to tick the 'If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box:' box in the first stage of the checkout.


      The shipping is the problem, as I don't want non-registered customers to be allowed shipping to an alternative delivery address. I need to have shipping to an alternative address disabled, except for registered customers. How do I get around this?


        The shipping is the problem, as I don't want non-registered customers to be allowed shipping to an alternative delivery address. I need to have shipping to an alternative address disabled, except for registered customers. How do I get around this?

        Sorry, you did not mention non-registered customers before. Did the solution I give you answer your question?

        I'm afraid there is no way to have registered customers able to choose and non-registered customers not-able to choose. Sorry about that.


          Your solution does work for the registered customers, but I need a way to not allow the non-registered customers to enter e separate delivery address. I think the only way I can do this is when Actinic decide to do a reverse of NOTINB2B, like NOTINB2C or something :-)

          Thanks anyway


            There is a tag called Actinic:SHOWFORPRICESCHEDULES e.g. ...


            ... but this does not work in the checkout (that is a bug to be fixed in 6.1.4).

            I don't think there is anything you can do at the moment.


              Is there any fix to this yet? I also have a customer who has the same problem - i.e. they need to allow KNOWN customers to choose a delivery address but for unknown users it must be the same as the invoice address.

              Any thoughts? Any progress?




                There is no fix to this I'm afraid.


                  Ok thanks. Is it possible, though, to restrict entry of delivery address for ALL customers?

                  In customer account settings you can set the delivery address and say "only allow this address" or "allow selection but default to this address" - great. But how can you set this option for new customers who don't have an account? I keep getting the "Enter your delivery address" page and can't find the setting to turn it off.


                    If you just want to hide that checkbox, you can do it in 'Design | Text | Web SIte (cont) | Invoice Address' and untick the 'Show' box for the relevant prompt.

                    With regards to different behaviour for registered/unregistered, with that check box it is all or nothing I'm afraid. There is no way within the application to change the behaviour of that box depending on whether the customer is logged in or not.

