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Components in single row?

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    Components in single row?

    Hi all,
    I really hope someone out there has the answer. How do you place components in a single row below each product, I have searched through templates files in template manager and cant see I file controlling the layout of components. I dont want it in a list one below the other I am looking to have them side by side.

    Any help is greatley appreciated... I have been looking through the template files for the last few hours and seem to be going nowhere!! Eyes are burning...


    Hi, i thought i'd do a good deed today so i had a rummage for you.....if you goto design text and goto id:2045 this <br> tag comes after a drop box in a component....i think that may help....ovcourse it all depends on which variant you are suing....e.g drop etc.....also dont foget the <p> tag wrapped around teh component name will push the next thing down a line :0)

    hope that helps you out.

    if that one doesnt work....try the ones of them may be your problem....but check your shop incase that <br> is used anywhere else.


      thanks for the reply, I will give that a go today. I did spend another evening trying to find the <br> culprit but with no luck. Cheers for the pointer.


        That did it!!!!! Cant thank you enough. Cheers!

