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Normal Rouxel - UsingSendMailInsteadoOfSMTP

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    Normal Rouxel - UsingSendMailInsteadoOfSMTP

    Message for Norman:

    I had been happily sending emails from Actinic via the standard 'out of the box' SMTP method for many months with no problems, then suddenly this functionality within Actinic stopped working for me - each time I tried to send a standard customer email I got 'The server returned invalid or unrecognised response'.

    Not being able to resolve this problem by consulting my host or ISP, I turned to your 'Sendmail' patch.

    This now allows me to send emails, but only of a certain length. In other words, I can now send an email to a customer from Actinic with say a subject line of 'Test' and a body text of 'Test' no problem, but if I try to send the standard 'Payment received', 'Order shipped' etc. emails they won't go and I get the 'The server returned invalid or unrecognised response' message again.

    But if I chop the email down to about one-third, it gets sent OK.

    I was just wondering if you had heard of this happening before with anybody else, and had any solution to it? Is there a limit on the message length with this method?

    I know you have provided this patch free of charge, which is damed decent of you, and I have no right to expect support from you on it, but any thoughts if possible would be most welcome. It is most annoying having to cut and paste my emails into Outlook!!

    p.s. if it is of any help, my host did not originally have the Mail::Mailer module installed, but they put it in for me.

    I'm afraid I can't help very much. I don't even use this patch myself. I just wrote it because was needed and Actinic have yet to get round to implementing Authenticated SMTP (tut-tut - go stand in the corner guys).

    The things to check are:

    Do you really need this patch at all. The answer is Yes if your provider only allows Authenticated SMTP. and the "localhost" setting below doesn't work either.

    Also try the SMTP server name "localhost" again using the standard Actinic software. Some servers are happy with that.

    There was also a note on the patch instructions about some e-mails appearing as one long line and a fix for that. It wouldn't hurt to try that. It's only a single character change.

    then suddenly this functionality within Actinic stopped working for me - each time I tried to send a standard customer email I got 'The server returned invalid or unrecognised response'.
    I'd also check with your service provider and ask them what they changed at that time.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thank You

      Dear Norman,

      Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply. I'll try the 'long line' fix (as you say - no harm) then if still not working fully I'll re-try SMTP in various ways.

      Apologies for the typo of your name in my original post!!

