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Can I set the pages to refresh once new details have been uploaded?

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    Can I set the pages to refresh once new details have been uploaded?

    I've just completed an update to my site and sent it live. However when people visit the site they don't automatically see the updates pages unless the press the refresh button from within the browser. Can I set Actnic to force refresh the updated pages on upload, if so how?

    Automatic Upload

    Hi there,

    You can use command line detailed below for uploading your actinic site automatically, however you will be in need of a third party software to accomplish this, perhaps you can use Microsoft scheduler;

    Advanced users of Actinic Business and Actinic Developer: Ecommerce is usually started from the default desktop icon or from the Windows Start menu. The result is Ecommerce starts and waits to be used. This behaviour can be changed by supplying one or more command line parameters so that it automatically performs certain actions. To add these parameters, you will need to either amend the desktop icon, the Start menu, or add a new entry to the Windows 'Run' menu.

    The command line switches are case-insensitive, operate immediately when Ecommerce starts and are executed in the priority of:
    site selection /s (or -s)
    order download /d (or -d)
    site upload /u (or -u)
    order export /x (or -x)
    preview /p (or -p)

    For example:
    C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Catalog.exe /u
    will start Actinic and do an upload. Also
    C:\Program Files\Actinic Ecommerce v6\Catalog.exe /d /u
    will start Actinic and do an order download immediately followed by an upload.

    Site selection is only necessary if you have licensed Ecommerce for more than one site.

    Example 1: all these are identical:
    "C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v5\Catalog.exe" /s Site1
    "C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v5\Catalog.exe" -s Site1
    "C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v5\Catalog.exe" -s "Site1"
    Example 2: A site name that contains spaces should be placed in quotes:
    "C:\Program Files\Actinic ecommerce v5\Catalog.exe" -s "Building Site"

    If Ecommerce is not running and /s isn't used, the default (last used) site is opened. If Ecommerce is already running then unless /s is specified, the current site is used.
    Let's now assume that only a single site exists so we can ignore the /s option.
    To properly execute these actions automatically, a number of dialogs are suppressed or automatically 'OK'ed. These are:

    · /u - progress dialog for upload is OKed automatically

    · /d - progress dialog for download is OKed automatically

    · /x - export warning about overwriting files is suppressed

    · /x - export warning about no outstanding exports is suppressed

    However, should any other warning or error messages appear, they must be manually dealt with.

    Hope this helps
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      With regards to viewing pages on the web, Internet Explorer always creates what is called a 'cache' where it stores copies of pages that you have viewed. Most of the time, Internet Explorer will detect when you have updated a page - but it all depends on the settings in your customer's browser.

      In Internet Explorer, you can edit how Internet Explorer refreshes its view in 'Tools | Internet Options | General | Temporary Internet Files | Settings'.

      I'm not sure whether there is anything you can do to change this - it is just the nature of the web.


        Many thanks - I thought that was the case.

