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    back / next

    I have read all the posts on this subject and need help resolving this issue.
    On my "Online Ctalog" i have created a "section" called "manufacturer". Under that manufacturer Section, I have Sony, Jvc, Panasonic as SubSections.
    Under Sony sub section, I have 3 subsections called TV, VCR, Stereo.
    Under each of them, I have many products.

    The question is, HOW can I put the "next" and "previous" ONLY on the pages that have TV, VCR and STEREO? ( only the subsections that have prodcuts in it)

    If this can not be done automatically, then please tell me
    how to do this manually, please tell me HOW step by step.

    I have already done what was proposed earlier as follows:
    But, doing that, creats a NEXT and PREVIOUS on ALL my pages.
    That is not the way I need this to work.

    You need to find a template called 'Act_Primaty.html' within your 'Site1' folder and open it in Notepad.

    Then look for where it says NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.

    Just above it, place the following code:

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td align="right">


    To have the 'Next' and 'Previous' appear only on certain sections, you need to create a new overall layout template. To do this, open Act_Primary.html and save it under a new name. If your Act_Primary.html template still contains the code mentioned in your last post then you will have to delete it from Act_Primary.html but your new template will still contain it. If not, then add the code to your new template.

    All you need to do now is select this new template for the 'overall layout' in the sub-sections that you want it displayed on, i.e TV, VCR, Stereo. Do this by double-clicking on the section and under the layout tab (click on the 'Advanced button if you cannot see the tabs) and either type the file name directly into the 'Overall Layout' field or click on the 'Select' button and browse to the new template.

    I hope this helps.

