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OrderLock problem on every order

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    OrderLock problem on every order

    I work for an ISP that hosts a domain running version 7.04 and occasionally they would get the common OrderLock.num problem file where I would delete the it, alter the permission of the Backup.num file etc and they would put a test order through to reset everything and then it would be OK again.
    For the last week or so it has got to the point where every order is now locking up and I can't see what is happening to do this.
    We have checked the settings, the site has had a couple full refreshes to try and clear the problem and the server has had no changes or upgrades recently.
    The site is at

    Have you checked that the owner is the ftp account that is used by Actinic?

    Otherwise it may be worth changing the script ID in Actinic and refreshing. (be careful if there are any hardcoded links on the site that include the script ID)

    Failing that I would recommend a raising a support ticket with Actinic.


      I assume the permissions on the acatalog and cgi-bin folders are correct? If they are you shouldn't have to change the permissions on a single file all the time.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        How do we check the owner is the ftp account used by Actininc? The owner figure displayed in my ftp program shows all the files in the acatalog and the cgi-bin are the same except the session files which are 80.

        We will try changing the script ID and doing a refresh to see if that clears the problem. Should we delete the existing contents first?

        Reading other threads about clearing the OrderLock fault, there was one that said:
        "So long as both Orderlock.num and Backup.num exist then delete OrderLock.num and set the permissions of Backup.num to 777, place a test order this will recover Order.num from Backup.num, then reset the permissions of Backup.num to 600."
        So this is what we have been doing, but I have also read that deleting both files also clears the fault.

        The permissions have been double checked but sometimes they get locked and I have to get the server techies to unlock them.


          All the files uploaded by Actinic should have the same User, being the FTP Username configured in Actinic. The Group I would expect to be something like ftpusers or similar.

          If the permissions get 'locked' then I assume you mean neither you (via FTP client) nor Actinic can change them - if that's the case then it sounds like some restrictions on the server.


            Only the OrderLock.num file gets locked, all the others are OK.


              We thought we had found a solution but afraid not. I had deleted both the Backup.num and the Orderlock.num files and they had purged the orders and run a full refresh and when they did a test order it went through OK. Great! This first one in a long while but then later the next order locked up the same.

              By then I had put in a ticket into Actinic explaining the situation and they said check the acatalog permissions are 777 (which they are). Manually delete the OrderLock file and reset the Order number in Troubleshooting to the last used figure then place a test order. But because I had deleted the Backup file this had zero-ed the order count.
              The third option was a file ownership issue, not permissions. The scripts run as 'web-server' or 'nobody' account with a cgi-wrap style program and I need to check if this wrapper program is working correctly.
              Any clues?


                We seem to have made progress.

                Looking at the files in an ftp program with the view owner/group option on they have a number like 1234 and the group number 1400. So all the files in the acatalog have the owner number 1234 but the Backup and Order files should have the web server or nobody number which on my server is 80.

                Once the techies altered this the orders went through OK and fingers crossed will continues to do so.


                  Changing the owner number to 80 on the Backup and Order files worked but only for 2 -3 orders before it reverts back to 1234 and locks up again.
                  So you have to delete them, put the test order through to recreate the files and then change the numbers to get them to work. A real pain.

                  Has anyone had a similar experience and if so do they know how to fix it because there does not seem to be anything obvious causing it. The settings are correct, the permissions are correct. We have run out of things to check.

