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    Originally posted by NormanRouxel

    I've noticed a few other people being exasperated trying to help you. It seems to take umpteen posts (about 17 on your other thread today) before you get the message where it should have been clear within the first few. In this theread it was you who asked to be spoon fed the solution - What do I add in order to get image on top and text on bottom.

    So for others reading this, don't worry - I'll only complain if you are an idiot.

    As for Alison, I presume you did in fact go out and learn some elementary HTML and that will put you in much better position with your next problem, particularly since I'm unlikely to want to help. Luckily you got that Perl cart script mod (which I went to some effort to provide) before now.
    Norman, I would rather be an idiot with limited html skills than an idiot with limited people skills.
    Please do not communicate with me further.


      Can I just help Alison.

      This is not the first post which has ended up in a slagging match. Indeed there have been lots of them started specifically for that. I'm a relatively new DIYer too and have had quite a few rude remarks when I have asked some stupid questions.
      But to be honest they have been stupid questions sometimes! Especially if you are very tired and have been working all day.

      I have experience at html, css etc and that is what you do need to get yourself going in this game if you are to make dramatic changes to the programme. Otherwise, stick to templates given with the programme.

      Norman and others like him are incredibly helpful if you get the question right. I have learnt just after a few posts that it is worth while looking around for the answers first before asking questions. You will usually find that the question has been asked before.

      Yes, some experienced posters here can be downright rude and I doubt that they would ever say anything like that to your face!
      Mind you, I've just had a very frustrating customer on the phone and I had to bite my tongue not to be downright rude back!

      If the poster can't be diplomatic, then just laugh and get on with it, because you are not going to change anything.

      Maybe get a cup of tea and read a book about HTML for Dummies?!

      If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

      Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


        Yes, some experienced posters here can be downright rude and I doubt that they would ever say anything like that to your face
        I expect that comment is directed at me - and yes I would say it to your face


          now then now then!! I was actually being complimentary!

          And I'd say something back .... depending on your size of course!

          If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

          Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


            I would rather be an idiot with limited html skills than an idiot with limited people skills.
            Now I never called anyone an idiot. I think that was you about yourself and now me!
            Please do not communicate with me further.
            Anyway, hand that (spoon) feeds you duly bitten. I (6500+ posts helping others) won't attempt to assist you in future. Others who may want to try help best be warned...
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              depending on your size of course
              6ft 6 and I take no prisoners


                Others who may want to try help
                I dont think so - added to my ignore list

