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problems connecting online server

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    problems connecting online server

    We have an existing actinic catalog on an online linux server. And have installed actinic client to a new local machine.

    However we are unable to pull down the existing actinic online catalogue to this local machine.

    Our network configuration test:
    "advanced" -> "network setup"
    from the client to the server is successfull, however when we try to do a:
    "web"->"configure website details"
    the process hangs, when trying to detect the perl installation on the server.

    The configuration parameters must be correct as shown by the successfull network configuration test.

    Please help!: confused:

    You cant pull down the existing catalog

    You will need to make sure both installs are the same (patches) then take a site snapshot.
    Owner of a broken heart


      Download online catalog

      How then do I get a copy of the online catalog?

      Due to technical issues with the original local machine I do not have an offline version!!!

      I do appreciate your help with this


        Hmm - I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

        The only way to transfer a store from one PC to another is to transfer the files that are within the 'Site1' (or equivalent) folder. These are the source files of the store - the web pages on the web site are just what Actinic produces.

        If you do not have the PC files (i.e. ie you did not take a backup) I'm afraid you are going to have to re-build your site from scratch. You will have all the product descriptions on the website to copy into Actinic, and you can also download all your product and section images via FTP.

        Sorry about that.



          Just wondered if this could be a way around this.

          Could you not set a customvar and have it upload the database. Access does not usually create databases that are too large (Well not for our stores)
          Owner of a broken heart


            Neat idea Gary.

            How about starting Actinic from a batch file that PKZips the entire Site1 (maybe skipping the images as they're already up there) into a single password protected file (I'd also give it a weird name so no-one would get at it) and having that file in the Advanced / Additional Files list. Bingo - instant backup. Might be a lifesaver for the smaller sites.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              A fine idea - I will receommend it to the team


                I tried this on the entire Demo Site1 that comes with Actinic 6 and the entire zipfile was only 1.4Mb. Admittedly there are only a few products in there.

                It would be worth reminding users to do a compact database occasionally as I've seen databases 10 times bigger than they need to be after lots of updating.

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

