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Images on https: checkout pages.

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    Images on https: checkout pages.

    Hi all

    I have implemented SSL on my checkout pages (only) and amended the google analytics code for SSL compatibility.

    However I am still getting the "This pages contains both secure and nonsecure items" message. When I click "no" to display only the secure items it is clear that some of my header and footer images are causing the issues.

    How do I make these secure? I have had a look in the AUG and done some forum searches but can't find out how to do it. I'm sure this must have been done before.

    KJ Beckett
    Men's Clothing & Accessories
    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
    Bath, England
    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
    Men's Fashion Blog


    This should be handled by actinic, or are you hardcoding the image urls into the template? If so then you need to make sure that the url starts with https



      if you look at the padlock for SSL you will see there is a line through it, double click it to see the detail of SSL, on the media tab you will see the images that are prefixed http instead of https

      have you got hard coded full path links, you will need to change these to relative

      eg src=""



        Yes some of the elements are hard-coded. So it looks like all I have to do is add the "s". Thanks!

        KJ Beckett
        Men's Clothing & Accessories
        Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
        Bath, England
        Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
        Men's Fashion Blog


          Originally posted by paulbeckett

          Yes some of the elements are hard-coded. So it looks like all I have to do is add the "s". Thanks!

          No, that could break the page view when not on a secure page. Better to do as suggested, and change to a relative link.

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            no, you need to drop the pathname and go relative

            src="imagename.jpg" and html pages too



              You can do it that way if you want to create a new set of templates for the SSL pages but i guess i did not make myself clear.

              As Jo and Bill have said, drop all the stuff, just link to the image in relative, basically it looks on the server for the file your calling, it does not need the url just what its called, you may need to show it as



                Ok - understood. I think the images that I am having problems with are being driven by the Act_Primary template. I will change these to be relative.

                KJ Beckett
                Men's Clothing & Accessories
                Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
                Bath, England
                Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
                Men's Fashion Blog



                  I have made the images "relative" and made my Boldchat and Google Analytics code SSL ready... but I am still getting the dreaded "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items" message.

                  How would I go about finding the other elements causing the problem? I just can't find them so far!
                  KJ Beckett
                  Men's Clothing & Accessories
                  Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
                  Bath, England
                  Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
                  Men's Fashion Blog


                    Actually, I note Jo mentioned a padlock with a line through it so I tried Firefox which indeed brings up the Page Info...

                    However all the media have https://.

                    There are some links that are http:// Would these be causing the problem? Some are external links to other sites (

                    KJ Beckett
                    Men's Clothing & Accessories
                    Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
                    Bath, England
                    Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
                    Men's Fashion Blog


                      Some are external links to other sites
                      Why on earth are these in checkout



                        you might find it a`good idea to have a different template for the checkout pages, then you can remove all the links to external pages - i always consider it better to keep the checkout pages clear of clutter - it helps to focus your customer's mind on buying from you rather than leaving the site


                          Why on earth are these in checkout
                          There is a link to ADDTHIS a bookmarking tool (allowing customers to bookmark the site to favourites or any other social bookmarking site) which is contained in the standard footer bar that occurs on every single page of the site. I could remove this but it would mean removing the reference to the sitewide footer (in Designs Options) and replacing it with a special checkout footer.

                          Is it the non-https links that is causing a problem? I am sure I have been on other https pages that contain non-http links?!?!?

                          KJ Beckett
                          Men's Clothing & Accessories
                          Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
                          Bath, England
                          Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
                          Men's Fashion Blog


                            you might find it a`good idea to have a different template for the checkout pages, then you can remove all the links to external pages -
                            Thanks Jo - so reading from this it is the external links? I do have a different template for the checkout pages but it currently calls the standard footer.

                            i always consider it better to keep the checkout pages clear of clutter - it helps to focus your customer's mind on buying from you rather than leaving the site
                            I agree that clutter should be removed (indeed we have done that) although I think if you change the page too much it also looks odd. Customers get comfortable with a standard look and feel to a partcular site. If it suddenly changes at an important page - it looks incosistent and potentially even suspicious.

                            KJ Beckett
                            Men's Clothing & Accessories
                            Cufflinks, Underwear, Ties, Grooming Products
                            Bath, England
                            Fast delivery to UK, USA and worldwide.
                            Men's Fashion Blog


                              There is a link to ADDTHIS a bookmarking tool
                              Well theres your problem - as jo says get a separate layout for checkout and strip it of everything that is not needed - once they are in checkout dont allow them to leave

