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Setting Quantity to zero

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    Setting Quantity to zero

    I changed the Design Option/Shop Defaults and unchecked the Single Add to Cart Option and now I get a quantity of 1 in every product on the page whereas I got a default of 0 before.

    How can I get a 0 in the Quantity box when I have an Add to Cart button along side every item.

    Seems a bit odd this one.

    This is the default - why do you want 0? if its 1 then all customers have to do is add to cart without entering a qty


      Because I have 4 products on a page and not every customer wants every item, I get enough questions about the cart cranking up quantities when people faff about in the store and don't know how to Update the cart.

      The question is why should the defualts be different just because you elect to have a different Buy Button option? Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

      Can the default be changed?



        The question is
        O sorry Ill do better next time


          Sorry Mal was I a bit grouchy! I think I need to go walk round the garden and cool off.

          I have had the installation running on auto pilot for two years and never had to look under the hood before, what with WORLDPAY "upgrading" last Saturday and trying to set up a few discounts etc to entice credit stricken American customers to keep buying I might be a bit close to a sense of humour failure!

          Hey Ho...keep going.

          Thanks to all.



            One method has a specific screen for customers to input their required quantity, one method has 1 as standard as its plain common sense to do that with an addtocart on each product and your third option is single addtocart per page, which then has 0 in the field. You can also go into the underlying code and add your own value into the aptly named attribute called 'value' or you can even create your own variable and use that instead.

            I think that covers all the options you could need.


              Sorry Mal was I a bit grouchy
              No problem - I see Lee has explained it all while I was out having a nice lunch!

