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A New Confirmation Tick Box

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    A New Confirmation Tick Box

    There's been a change in the law recently for our website which means we now have to confirm details that customers submit. Our Terms and Conditions do state this, and I've made changes to the front page etc showing the information.

    The problem I have, is that customers are just ignoring this - if they don't supply the confirmation we have to cancel the order, and of course our payment providor still charges us for the order.

    I would like either

    1) To have another tick box that says "I confirm that my precscription is in date and will be made available, I also accept a 10% stocking fee if a refund is requested becasue of prescription irregularities"

    2) Change the "I have read the terms and conditions" to add the above comment.

    I've searched through the business settings, and can't see anything - I've not looked too hard at the templates as yet, just wondering if there is a simple way to do this.

    I think this Design - Text ID2383?
    This is from the main Actinic help file - search for 'termsmessage'.

    You could also hardcode the text by editing the Act_Order01.html template by changing this:

    <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox begin -->
    <span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:TERMSTITLE</b></span><br><br>
    <table border="0" width="600" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
        <td bgcolor="NETQUOTEVAR:CHECKOUTBG">
    <hr size="1" align="CENTER" width="600">
    <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox end -->
    to something like this:

    <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox begin -->
    <span class="actregular"><b>NETQUOTEVAR:TERMSTITLE</b></span><br><br>
    <table border="0" width="600" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
        <td bgcolor="NETQUOTEVAR:CHECKOUTBG">
          <input type="CHECKBOX" NETQUOTEVAR:INVOICEAGREETERMSCONDITIONS name="AGREETERMSCONDITIONS" value="NO">I confirm that my precscription is in date and will be made available, I also accept a 10% stocking fee if a refund is requested because of prescription irregularities.
    <hr size="1" align="CENTER" width="600">
    <!-- Terms and Conditions checkbox end -->
    The text may be too long though to format nicely.


      Yep, text 2383. Saw it just as I poseted the message. Thank you for the quick reply.

      Is there an easy facility to add a tick box? There are quite a few options for user defined fields, but they are "written", so anything put in would be accepted.


        I think there's something in the AUG that describes how to change an entry field to a trick box. Not sure if it's v7 but it's page 99ish for v8, the principle would be the same.

