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    I would like to be able to create a custom top level section list.

    I have chosen to edit simple layout 13. In Act_Primary.html the top level section list is created using NETQUOTVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP. Basicaly this creates a vertical section list where each menu item has its own table tag.

    I would like to be able to edit the section list that is produced to create a custom table with styled TD tags.

    I have tried looking at ActSectionLineSmallText.html but all that gives is the anchor links:


    Does anyone know a way to get to the code for the tables themselves. I have looked at other posts and nobody appears to have an answer other than to replace the top level section list with a JavaScript version, which I would rather not do.

    Hi there

    The code for the table are kept in "Design | Text | Web Site | HTML"

    Taken from the Advance User Guide

    ID: 1187 Is where "<TABLE><TR>" is defined
    Code used to start the table that goes around a row of section links on the page.

    ID: 1188 is where "</TR></TABLE>" is defined
    Code used to end the table that goes around a row of section links on the page.

    ID: 1189 is where "<TD WIDTH="%d%%">" is defined
    Code used to open the cells that contain a section link within the above table.

    ID: 1190 is where "</TD>" is defined
    Code used to close the cells that contain a section link within the above table.

    If you wish to know what the other html items in this box is for, then i would suggest downloading the advance user guide from our website. Click here to download word 6 version of AUG
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Thanks for that, but as usual all does not work as expected.


      in Act_Primary.html

      produces the following:

      <tr><td>Menu Item 1</td></tr>

      <tr><td>Menu Item 2</td></tr>

      etc.. (the code above is much simplified to illustrate how each menu item has its own table)

      I modified the code in "Design | Text | Web Site | HTML" as follows:

      1187 From "<TABLE><TR>" To "<tr>"
      1188 From "</TR></TABLE>" To "</tr>

      I then modified Act_Primary.html





      Expecting to get final site HTML code, which looks like:

      <tr><td>Menu Item 1</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Menu Item 2</td></tr>
      <tr><td>Menu Item 3</td></tr>

      Which it does in fact do. But at the same time the search box on the right hand side of the page dissapears and goes to the bottom of the page, as if all the table tags have got messed up.

      The HTML code produced is so mixed up (with or without compression) that it is difficult to trace what has actually happened. I can only assume lines 1187 and 1188 are for other purposes also?


        I can only assume lines 1187 and 1188 are for other purposes also?

        Those lines are also used for the section list in the main part of the page, so any change you make there will also affect the main section list and casue invalid HTML.

        It is possible to put a section list into your design that is totally under your control. You can do it with Javascript and I have attached some code for you to paste into your overall layout (primary) template to this message.

        You can edit the code that does into the 'head' section of your template to add class information in.
        Attached Files



          Thanks for confirming that. A couple of other questions.

          1: Am I right in assuming if I search for all files in the site 1 directory that use NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP
          I will find all areas where lines 1187 and 1188 are used, because if so, All I have to do is add <table></table> prefixes and suffixes to NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP. If 1187 and 1188 are used in other NETQUOTEVARs could you advise?

          2: I have already implemented a version with JavaScript, which works, but I would prefer not to go down that route. I have a personal dislike for using JavaScript for areas where functionality depnds upon it unless I am able to provide a <noscript> alternative. Which brings me onto another point. I started using Actinic at V5 and I chose it over all other "shop in the box" solutions, because it was the only one I could find that did not depend upon JavaScript for functionality. In fact from what I can remember, it was the only one that would allow the order process to be completed with JavaScript switched off. Is this no longer the case?


            Am I right in assuming if I search for all files in the site 1 directory that use NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP ...
            Also, search for NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLISTTOP - you will find it in Act_ProductBody.html.

            Is this no longer the case?
            It is still the case. You don't need JavaScript enabled to shop at Actinic stores, it is just JavaScript is so functional and flexible for creating navigation. It is ideal for section lists and things so we sometimes recommend it.


              Thanks Chris I will give that a try and see how I get on!

