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Moving server and order numbers?

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    Moving server and order numbers?

    Our hosts need us to move our site to a new server and we don't want the order numbers in actinic to revert back to 000001 - is there anything we can do to prevent this?

    Had a quick search on the forum and couldn't find anything so it's probably either impossible or blindingly obvious.

    Ta muchly in advance for any help

    You can set and update your order numbers in Help - Troubleshooting - Order Number frame.

    This is what the help says:

    Order Number
    Every time an order is placed at your store, a sequential number is added to the end of the order number (starting at '1' for the first order placed). This field tells you what the online store thinks the current order sequence number is - and the next order placed will be one higher. Click 'Query Order Number' to ensure that this field is showing the most up-to-date number.

    Query Order Number
    Click this button to make the 'Order Number' field display the current order sequence number from the web site.

    Update Order Number
    Use this button if you want to manually override the current order sequence number at the website. Enter a new number in the 'Order Number' field, and then click this button to change the number at the website. The next order placed will be one order sequence number higher.

    WARNING: Only do this if you are absolutely sure you need to do this as this can cause unaccountable gaps to appear within your ordering numbering sequence.


      If you keep uploading from the same Actinic, then Actinic will take care of the order numbers for you, however Duncan has shown you the way to manually manage the order number sequence in Actinic anyway.
      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

      SellerDeck Hosting
      SellerDeck Digital Marketing

