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HTML Variables or product info at the primary template level

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    HTML Variables or product info at the primary template level

    Firstly (and I think the answer is no, but maybe someone knows better) is there anyway to get product level information into the primary template? eg. a product variable or product level CUSTOMVAR?

    Secondly, as a kind of a workaround, is it possible to this -

    I have a block of code which needs to be identical across all primary templates, but I also need some level of customisation across those templates. So can I put some kind of variable in the 'identical block' and then define it at the top of each template...?

    Not sure if html has a variable function, or if actinic can do this?

    It might be better if you were to explain what you wanted to do rather than how you want to do it. (IYSWIM)

    Stuff in the primary template is really for things that don't change. To base it on product variables raises the question of which product variable should it choose?

    There are other ways of doing things that might be relevant.

    For example you can use variations on the primary template for different sections.

    Or you could have a product template that just displays the stuff you want based on a customvar and uses CSS to position it in the area normally controlled by the primary template.

    Or you could use Javascript to look at the page name and display certain content based on what it sees.

    The best solution really depends on what you're trying to do.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


