Hi All
I know i am still using an archaic form of actinic for one of my sites but the vendor is reluctant to change over to anything else.
I am having a problem with the wuick search on www.mrmattress.co.uk
This is the coding i am using on the pages
Its just bringing up an error.
Have i missed something out?
I know i am still using an archaic form of actinic for one of my sites but the vendor is reluctant to change over to anything else.
I am having a problem with the wuick search on www.mrmattress.co.uk
This is the coding i am using on the pages
form name=simplesearch action="NETQUOTEVAR:SEARCHCGIURL" METHOD="NETQUOTEVAR:CGIMETHOD"> <tr> <td valign="middle" noWrap align=left><input type="TEXT" name="SS" size="10" maxsize="125" value="keywords" onFocus="this.value='';this.style.background='#FFFFFF'"> </td> <td valign="bottom" noWrap align=left><div align="center"> <!-- <input type=SUBMIT name=ACTION value="NETQUOTEVAR:QUICKSEARCHBUTTONTEXT"> --> <input type="image" border="0" name="ACTION" src="quicksearch.jpg" alt="NETQUOTEVAR:QUICKSEARCHBUTTONTEXT"> <input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PR" VALUE="-1"> <input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TB" VALUE="A"> <input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SHOP" VALUE="NETQUOTEVAR:SHOPID"> </div></td> </tr> </form>
Have i missed something out?