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Spaces in FOOTERGUIDE HTML causing problems

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    Spaces in FOOTERGUIDE HTML causing problems

    I am trying to create a custom navigation bar along the top of the page. It uses a table cell with a background image and individual buttons. The cell height , the background image and the buttons are all set to the same height (24px). when actinic generates the page, the cell height in reality becomes around 2 pixels too big and introduces a white line I do not want.

    I have tracked the problem down and it is caused by spaces in the HTML code between the individual buttons. Typically there is a space between each </a> and the next <a> (e.g ...</a> <a href="....>.

    If i take the uploaded index.html file and edit out the spaces, the problem goes away.

    Is there any way I can get to the source of the FOOTERGUIDE code and get rid of these unwanted spaces?

    Note I have tried the compressed HTML option and also tried replacing FOOTERGUIDE with individual button NETQUOTEVARS. Neither of these work!

    Extra space

    Hi there,

    Could you please check the following, goto Advance | Template Manager | Main and check 'NavItem' and 'NavImage' templates. Please check for any additional spaces as these templates are associated with the FOOTERGUIDE template.

    Please remove any unneccessary space.

    hope this helps.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan

