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FrontPage / Easyspace

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    FrontPage / Easyspace

    A few moths ago I added a catalog link to my Frontpage site. When I refreshed the main site it lost the CGI binn folders etc, anyway with the help of this forum everything was configured and worked OK...I could change pages on my site and with in catalog no problem..........

    However this morning I have made some changes to the Frontpage site, uploaded it, it published ok but when I click the catalog link, I get the 404 error.

    So I tried to simply upload catalog using the arrow, but it gets stuck and tells me that I do not have access to the cgi bin files,

    I then used the refresh comand, same result,

    Lastly I tried the wizard, it gets as far as configuring the CGI bin settings but then says it cant change them.

    My network settings within actinic remain unchanged, I dont understand, what do I have to do so that I can alter my pages and not lose the catalog link?

    Owner of a broken heart


      Indeed it is, Gary thank you.


        Oer Mrs!

        Hi All

        Doing a search for this very issue and the original email in this thread explains my problem perfectly.

        I've always used Frontpage for my home page, information pages, newsletter etc (for 3 years!) - links back and forth between FP and Actinic (even after upgrading over a year ago to Act v.6 from v.4 all worked hunkey dorey).

        Now I daren't do a FP upload because it took all my website's functions down a couple of weeks ago (no orders could be placed, no forms worked).

        Glad to hear Mark got it fixed - I got mine fixed, but now I need to refresh FP again and the same error messages appear (so I haven't done it for fear of the sky falling on my head again).

        Why oh why could this be?

        TIA - Helen


          P.S - not using Easyspace!


            Gary Hay has fixed my "problem" three times for me now - I dont understand how, but by all accounts he rebuilds the missing / deleted folders / etc on my server.

            Thing is, in the upload process something gets deleted be it by the server, Actinic or FP. Because it happens I am not able to work as I would like as I have to ring Garry if it goes wrong!!....and at the end of the day it shouldnt, and the Actinic wizard should sort it, but it gets stuck every time!


              But Why?

              Hi Mark

              Thanks for replying. Perhaps somebody "in the know" could explain to a thicko why this should just start happening out of the blue though?! My set up worked perfectly fine for ages then this bolt of lightning!

              Is it something to do with changes made on the server - do servers that "support FP extensions" etc, really not?!!

              It's OK just to keep fixing it when it breaks (which is always at the most inconvenient time when nothing can be done about it and consequently I lose orders) - but that's bolting the stable door after the fact isn't it?!

              I can't work how I'd like either now - haven't been able to upload FP changes for a week now because I daren't risk it taking Act down yet again!

              What's going on folks?

              Grateful, as ever!



                Upgrade to V7


                I have setup a couple of sites now using V7 and find that because you can add Fragments (content) anywhere you like it makes keeping a store so much easier. No need for the use of FP anymore.

                Check out Early Baby and the early info link. No images used just because thier was not a need but I think v7 is great for content management
                Owner of a broken heart


                  Gary - that’s fine and your latest site looks good......but our Devotedly Discus site is basically an information site with loads of info and pictures that has a simple link to the catalog.

                  At the end of the day, Microsoft, Actinic and Easyspace all say the FP / Actinic combo should work, why should we have to upgrade to 7? in reality it does most of the time until you refresh the whole of the FP site, then the catalog disappears, and I ring you!

                  I can edit pages and graphics online or on my hard drive and the catalog remains unaffected...but refresh the whole FP element and kiss goodbye to the shop!!

                  Unless you are a web designer etc, FP is a better option than Actinic fragments.


                    There has always been an incompatibility issue with FP and actinic. Its just one of those things, FP is abit like AOL they have their own way of doing things and don't care of the consequences.

                    The amount of time spent trying to fight these issues is better spent on using a different solution.

                    We recommend NetObjects Fusion, for those FP users to will move to a different slution, its £119 and has the same easy learning curve as FP



                      I agree that Netobject Fusion is a better way to go and very easy to use. I have seen the full version of MX on a CD cover just lately so it might be worth a trip to WH Smiths.


                      I think you should take a closer look at V7. You can have all the content and the shop controlled from a single solution.

                      Or this text is from a thread on a another forum

                      "To "Publish Live", open FP, go to File/Open Web/, click the "Look-in" drop-down caret and click on "Web Folders". This gives a list of all the url's you have published to in the past. If you do not have these, at the bottom of the 'open-web' window is a box called "Folder Name". Just type in the complete URL of the site and 'Open'. This should bring up the login and pw window. Fill those out and your in. Just remember, what you change and 'save' is done right now. No going back if you delete the wrong thing.

                      The reason you work live on a site with FP is because if you have a store or other cgi on the site, and publish using FP, it will overwrite the script on occasion, and then your in real trouble. Working live does not touch these files"

                      Hope that helps
                      Owner of a broken heart


                        Many thanks to all.

                        We are currently moving our retail shop "across the road" As soon as this is complete I can take another look at the site / alternative software and will let you know how I get on.

