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deleted pages by mistake please help!

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    deleted pages by mistake please help!

    I hope someone can help me I have been working on my website for over three years and still haven't managed to publish it online. Just as I thought I may be getting there I managed to delete the about us , welcome to our site and start shopping pages! I had done a lot of work on these with lots of written info and was just trying to rearrange their order in the catalogue. One moment I had two 'about us' pages so I tried to delete one and the next minute all were gone. I exited without a back up thinking they would re appear but unfortunately they haven't. I didn't purge anything so I'm hoping they are still there somewhere. I also lost my home page earlier and still haven't found that. please help from Clare

    Clare if you delete them then they will have a red x over them, if you cant seem them then you have purged the catalog and they are gone for ever i'm affraid. If you have it uploaded somewhere then recreate the sections and copy and past the text back



      failing that, restore a previous snapshot?


        I seem to have got myself into a bigger mess. I don't purge my site often so I know the details haven't been purged but still couldn't find them so I decided to import a snapshot and now it's replaced my almost complete website with a very early version! Does this mean I have wiped my almost complete website for good? I really hope not. I'm upset and confused now, any ideas?


          find a place to sit down.

          snapshotting your site to an older version has most certainly reverted back to a previous state. this means that data will be lost, as well as order information.

          you really need to be backing up every day.

          with DIFFERENT filenames.

          If this is the first time, this has happened to you, then this is a lesson to learn.


            Originally posted by little gift box
            working on my website for over three years and still haven't managed to publish it online.
            BLIMEY!! perhaps you need some professional help?


              Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
              this means that data will be lost
              ... the standard import of a snapshot will also generate a backup of the one it is replacing ... take a look in SiteBackups for OverwrittenSite and you should be able to restore back to there.

              Then take a snapshot immediately before Gabe comes around with his big gun!

              If you have not purged you should see them greyed out with an X over them ... click on them and press delete again to undelete them.

              If they have gone for good then leave your most up to date version and add them back in manually. Then take another snapshot.

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
                BLIMEY!! perhaps you need some professional help?
                She may have 20,000 products uploading on dial up

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Originally posted by jont
                  Gabe comes around with his big gun
                  wtf? how do you know about that?


                    see, jont and i are a good team.

                    dropping you to torrid pits of despair, before lifting you up, to heights of angelic ecstasy.


                      [QUOTE=jont]... the standard import of a snapshot will also generate a backup of the one it is replacing ... take a look in SiteBackups for OverwrittenSite and you should be able to restore back to there.

                      Hi Jont, where do I find site backups? Is it under House keeping under backup then recover data base? Or am I in the wrong place entirely?

                      If I can find my almost complete site I won't mind if I have to rewrite two pages!

                      Thank you so much X


                        where do I find site backups?
                        It's a folder in the installation folder (ie c:\program files\actinic v7\SiteBackups).


                          Tracey - just to let you know I received a PM yesterday and I pointed Clare in the same direction

                          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                            Thank you

                            Thank you for all yur help everyone and for your email John. I hope you don't mind but I've sent you an email back. Which is as follows if any one else as well as Jont can help.

                            I'm obviously not technical or computer literate. Using Jont's I went onto my actinic site and imported a site. I think I may have imported the same site over the top instead of going to the overwritten site which was your original suggestion. Hence the site imported was the same. I went back over what I'd done and found the overwrittenSite so this time did it right I think, but of course the last overwritten site was the one I'd just overwritten which was the same as the one I'd now imported.

                            Have I now completely messed up will I be able to find the original overwritten site?

                            Little Gift Box

