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Background Image

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    Background Image

    Hi, I am a new user of the Actinic software and have been trying to change the background image. I have managed to do this in the Design options tab. However, this background gets overwritten by the palette background colour, which as far as I can tell cannot be set to transparent. Is there any way around this issue, as the background image I want to use will only appear on the extended info page and the bottom strip of each of the screeens??

    Any help would be appreciated.

    You can find instructions on how to insert a background image into the Primary template by downloading the Actinic Advanced Users Guide by clicking here

    See page 40 where it explains ways it which you can hardcode the template to have the background image you require.


      Thanks for your reply. However, I had hardcoded a background image into the actinic.css as described in the AUG, but the image does not appear, further investigation has shown that the background is being overwritten by a 2 table backgrounds which need to be removed from the Act_Primary.htm for the background to be visible.


