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Change Text Colour

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    Change Text Colour


    i am currently reducing the cost some of our products in a sping sale type thing.

    In the 'description' text of the 'section' detail i am stating this but would like to change the colour of the text to make it stand out.

    i want to do the same in the 'full description' text of the 'Product details'.

    i know that i will have to get into the html to do this but that is where my knowledge ends. can anyone help me out? a step by step guide would be fantastic.


    No need for html, look about 2 inches above where you currently are and you will see some text formatting buttons just like you do in Word or Outlook or whatever you do your typing in. Look for the B, the I and the U and then look to the left of those three for text colours.


      wow thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

      i just cant see what you are talking about. does v.7 definatley have this facility?

      any chance you email me a screen shot? i have attached the screen where i'm having problems. (incase we have crossed wires)


      Attached Files


        OOPS sorry Caroline, i never noticed you are on V7, my mistake for not looking. You will need to use html then unfortunately. Try and upgrade if you can, V8 & V9 are large improvements on V7 and will pay for themselves very quickly. Failing that you are into html and css tutorials on the web I'm afraid.

        Apologies for getting your hopes up, I feel guilty now.


          an upgrade might be the answer, the thought of tinkering with HTML is a little frightening!!!!!

          any idea how much an upgrade would be and what the costs are?

          and where do i find the tutorials - actinic website i guess.

          dont feel too guilty - i only got excited for a second!!!!!!!!!!



            Lee, shame on you!

            Originally posted by caroline
            an upgrade might be the answer, the thought of tinkering with HTML is a little frightening!!!!!
            Well shoot me down - if V7 works OK for you, then html mods are not at all difficult, a little g**glin' and some patience can bring instant clever results for those who are not too demanding.

            There comes a point when upgrades are more trouble than they are worth - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yes, I know V8/9 sites look prettier - but my customers get uglier!

   - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

            Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


              In the section description you can use something like the following wrapped around the text you need to change colour

              New price only !!<<span class="offerText">£9.99</span>>!! until 3oth June

              The important bit being the HTML

              !!<<span class="offerText"> ... </span>!!

              which literally spans the text you need changing.

              In the Actinic site folder look for actinic.css ... you can edit this with notepad (or a web design program such as Dreamweaver if you have one) ... at the bottom add

              .offerText {
              color: #990000;

              note the American spelling of "color" ... this will make all your text within the span a deep red colour ... you can change the #990000 to any colour you desire.

              As we have set .offerText as a class you can reuse this over and over as many times on a page and at section level, product level, brochure pages etc .. it is fully reusable.


              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Am making a few little tweaks to a clients old site which is still in v7.

                Any ideas when why I try and wrap the HTML tags around the Section Name I want to modify it says the field can only hold a limited amount of information? I'm only 1 character short of what I want to put! I've even shortened the name of the CSS I want to use to 1 letter to try and make it fit!

                Very annoying!


                B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


                  Can you show us what you have tried to add?
                  If this is a global change to all of those fields, you'd be far better served using a CSS class instead.


                    Hi Lee,

                    Thanks for the quick response! Are you secretly some kind of lottery winner who used to be an Actinic Developer who uses their money to help unfortunate souls like myself? You are always on here helping people - may Karma do something nice for you!

                    Anyway, I tried to put the following:

                    !!<<span class="P">Novogen Menopause Test</span>>!!

                    I had to reduce the CSS name down from 'Product-Title' to just 'P' in an effort to try and make it fit!


                    B&M Design & Advertising Ltd


                      LOL i wish, i tend to come on while i have sites uploading, so i am locked out of the software. Is this change just for this one heading or you doing this for all of them?

                      It looks like in V7 that character length is governed, in which case you may be forced to move the styling up a level into the actual layout. This is often a much better idea anyway if its global or needs to effect quite a few headings. You only tend to do inline styling on one-offs really.

                      If it is a one off, you will probably need to duplicate the existing layout and add the styling into the new duplicated layout anyway due to the length limit. That will automatically style whatever you put in the field accordingly.

                      So imagine you have 2 layouts for the section link layout, they are almost identical apart from the color of the text. You have the main one that just operates as normal and then you have a second one which does the different color or size or style (whatever needed). Instead of adding inline style to the heading in actinic, you style the layout and then just select that layout where you want the heading to be different. You could have sectionLinkNormal and sectionLinkHighlight for example.

                      That way you can use the layout a number of times, you have no inline styling in the limited actinic field and you also have just one place (the layout itself) where you woudl change the color or style, all products then using that woudl all be updated instantly. Hard to explain, hope that's clear.

