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populating the actinic database

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    populating the actinic database

    Hi Everyone,

    Actinic 7.0.3

    I didnt really understand when i built this store, which was the best way to do it.. turns out i did it a bit wrong.

    I sell items that come in a wide range of sizes.
    I used componants and attributes for the different choices.. the prices come from the 'permutations' in the componant section.

    This works fine, apart from stock control...

    I now see that the best way to have set it up would have been for each different size to be a different 'hidden' product and link to that.

    I have now come to the point where i need to link the shop to another database.
    My database is as it should be, each product variant has its own code.

    Ok what i need to know is, which is the best and quickest way to put this right?

    Can i populate the Actinic database with hidden products from my other database. Because doing it within actinic may take the rest of my life.
    If so how?
    Ideally i'd just copy the new codes and prices straight in, but which table and where?

    I then need to link each existing attribute to its correct hidden product... can this be automated? Or at least done quickly... somehow within the database?

    Any ideas welcome, the idea of going back and rebuilding from scratch is highly unappealing.

    Arka Tribal Jewellery


    Can i populate the Actinic database with hidden products from my other database.
    If you have 'Business' you can use the 'External Linking' option to bring your products in. Ensure that there is a 'Suppress HTML' column which equates to the 'Hide on Website' tick box in Actinic (values of '0' for not hidden and '1' for hidden).

    If you only have Catalog, then I suggest you take a look at the 'File | Import' feature. Look in the help files for the valid fields for importing and you may be able to produce a csv file from your current database to import into Actinic (there are also example files in the 'Common' folder which is in your site folder.

    I then need to link each existing attribute to its correct hidden product... can this be automated?
    I'm afraid not. There is no quick way of doing this. You would have to do this via the UI or by using a hierarchical import file (not an easy option) - there are also examples of these files in the 'Common' folder.



      Thanks for your reply.

      We're using 'developer' so yes we have the external linking feature.
      I'll set up a dummy site and try it out.

      Its the 'linking to associated products' that will take the time..

      You would have to do this via the UI
      Sorry to be dim... by the UI... do you mean 'user interface' ie within the actinic program.

      Best Regards,
      Arka Tribal Jewellery


        by the UI... do you mean 'user interface' ie within the actinic program.
        That's right.

