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Copy of order confirmation email

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    Copy of order confirmation email

    I have recently set up under 'Business settings - ordering' for me to be sent a copy email as well as the receipt sent to the customer. So far it has only sent me 2 emails although there have been several orders received and all the customers have definately got their emails. We know this because each customer is phoned to make delivery arrangements. I know it's not my spam filters etc. Any ideas why I only get one at random?

    in circumstances such as these, i would always go back to the mailserver to see what actually pitches up there as it can be spam/email client at fault


      I may have stumbled on the answer - not sure yet.

      When an order is placed, an email is sent to the shop saying orders awaiting download. I also get a copy of the confirmation as sent to the customer - however, only 1 email goes to the shop, even if there is more than 1 order waiting. Once downloaded Actinic will send a new email if another order is placed and also send a confirmation copy to me. When there is more than 1 order waiting I don't get the copy of the confirmation, only the 1st order, although every customer does get theirs.
      Seems as if the system stops at the 1 duplicate email, like the 'orders awaiting downlod' that go to the shop.

      Anyone know how to change this?
      Obviously the shop only needs 1 email but I need copies of every order confirmation for checking purposes.


        Seems as if the system stops at the 1 duplicate email, like the 'orders awaiting downlod' that go to the shop
        The copy of the customer receipt should get sent every time. There is no switch to turn it off or on. I suggest you check your error log (Help | Troubleshooting | View error log) to see if there are any SMTP errors listed there and then contact your host to find out why it is not sending out all of the emails to you.


          I have had this problem recently - more so than before. I used to get a copy of the customers order sent to another e-mail address but now at least 75% off e-mails don't arrive in my inbox, I only get the Catalog Order Received.

          I will check the error log for any info
          Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA


            I think that I may have discovered the problem we have been using Paypal for the past two weeks after some issues with Protx, people must be leaving after the paypal payment.
            Sellerdeck Business Plus 12.0.1.NBLA

