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site search settings

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    site search settings

    could we add the following to the wish list

    We currently sell most of our products in various sizes & colours, to do this we use drop down menus and the customer select the variation he requires, all these have different pricing so I have created an individual part for every variation and hidden these, then associated these under the component box so that the correct price is picked up from the hidden part and also set it to only print out the component line, this then prints the part number and description on the packing list & data entry reports not the description of the product seen by the customer.

    Now i will get to the point. When you search for by part number the customer is taken to the location where it can be found although the site does not show the part number because it is hidden (i have typed all the part numbers into the meta tag so the search can find it). Can we not have a field that allows the search pick up the part number under the associted area so that the customer can be taken directly to the page.

    maybe in a future release we can allow the customer to order by part number if he allready knows this.

    The reasons i ask we we are a traditional mail order company and the internet makes up less that 1% of our business, we spend thousands on catalogues and maillings and if the customer has the part number then surely it is an easy way to order. maybe a templete he fills in with the part number then clicks order and the software adds all the relevant details to the shopping cart?


    OK Darren, I will add this to the Wish List.

    Might I also suggest you could have two areas of your store. One where you select options from a drop down list, and another where all the parts are listed one underneath the other in the HTML - thus allowing people to search for them. This would satisfy both your types of customers.

    Just a thought.


      Cheers Chris

      One minor problem, I have 3500 products, a bit big to do this under html. but i am allways open to suggestions.


