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Merging error

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    Merging error

    I'm having trouble with Actinic. I've been updating our site happily for weeks and recently we changed the way that the computers here are set up. This meant reinstalling Actinic and now whenever I try to upload I get to the merge stage and the connection times out. This also broke the site which I have fixed manually but I can't collect orders either because it claims the connection is timing out.

    When I run the network test I get an error message which says
    "The operation timed out"
    and when I click OK I get another window which says
    "The test script failed to execute on the web server. The error could be caused by several things. Check the path to the Perl Shell, the CGI Bin URL, and the proxy WWW port. This error could also occur if your website is out of disk space or your web server is not configured to accept POSTs to CGI scripts."

    FTP works fine in other apps like Dreamweaver and nothing has changed on the server. I've contacted the host and they say everything is fine at their end with no excess use of space or problems with the FTP settings.

    Any help greatly appreciated as I have orders waiting to be collected

    Thanks in advance
    Iain @ TG
    Twisted Generation

    If you cannot get the basic network settings to operate then either something has changed at your end or the server end.

    Since you say you've re-installed Actinic then it's most likely at your end. If you post your network settings (you can use Advanced / Network Setup / Export to save these in a text file) then copy and paste that here (with any passwords deleted).

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Problem solved

      Sorry for taking up so much of your time, I ended up importing the network settings from an old snapshop - that's what they're there for I guess

      I will say though that I can't see anything that was different. Chalk that one up to experience I suppose but I'm not keen on mysteries.

      Twisted Generation

