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Site Check

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    Site Check

    We have just launched our first e-commerce site, so we need a site check.


    Any feedback would be great.


    <a href=></a>

    Hi Andrew,

    I've just taken a look and it is a very nice and clear site.

    However, you seem to be suffering from the same problem as this customer


      Thanks for the reply Tracy, Im glad you liked the site, it was certainly a core aim to make clear and simple.

      I've gone with your first suggestion (javascript:window.scrollTo(0,0)) so much neater than using anchors and of course it works properly.

      Anyone else have any feedback?

      <a href=></a>


        Looks great. Pity I last needed a pram about 22 years ago

        I liked the Cascading Menu (very similar to NorTree but with more special effects) so much that I've gone and integrated it into the Actinic section tree structure, so you won't have to manually alter it if you add / remove sections. I'd not come across this one before but it seems to be very up-to-date.

        Here's my first cut at the integration. If you have a spare system see if it works for you.

        One point on the Menu. It seems to be the only way into your product pages. Spiders (and people with brain damaged browsers) won't be able to follow that so you may want to consider making an additional normal hyperlink that takes people to the products.

        Attached Files
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Ooops. I left out a line in the attachement above. Here's the updated one.

          Attached Files
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Final (?) update. This makes all levels (including sub-levels) of the site clickable.

            Attached Files
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Ooops. Infinite loop on sites with huge section structure. Now fixed.

              Attached Files
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Ooops (again). Cleaned up generated URL's when using sitebase. Fixes problem with extraneous / on return link from cart scripts.

                Attached Files
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Another update. This has parameters that make centering and fixing the menu in place more intuitive. Done at last?

                  Attached Files
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    Hi Norman

                    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated, glad you like it.

                    More thanks for implementing your the Actinic Section Tree solution with this menu system.

                    I think the menu system looks good, I especially like the flexibility of using CSS with it. A nice tool that I used with it was codetrim from the same site, which strips out comments, spaces, etc from your JavaScript for implementation.

                    As for your point regarding spiders, that is a concern which had occurred to me (unfortunately, way down the development phase). Without losing the benefits of the design (and not starting again) I think we may have to live with it for the moment. What I have done is, in addition to submitting the homepage for search engines/indexes I have also submitted the site map in an attempt to overcome this. This aspect is something we will have to keep an eye on.

                    Thanks again for your input and your work. At the moment I only have one system, but it is something I am looking at to get another, then I should be able to properly try out your system.

                    <a href=></a>


                      Glad to be of use. Steve Quinn on this forum has already got a site up using NorCascade. That was fast. See it on

                      He's not using the fastest code yet so it will probably be improved soon.


                      p.s. Regarding the products link to acatalog you could always put a small text link somewhere unobtrusive, or turn one of your images (like the PRAM one) into a link.
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        That is very quick of the mark, good to see you're work has been of use already.

                        I will certainly have a think about a subtle way of getting the section links onto the homepage, after all we want to maximise the number of users we can get.

                        <a href=></a>


                          Norman, is it hard to transfer from NorTree to the cascading menu?


                            cascading menu rocks!

                            hi all, mark in my honest opinion the cascading menu is not much different to normenu for ease of use, simply remove the old (easy to see) nortree code from your page, and follow normans readme for the new one...

                            the major difference (and there are quite a few significant ones) is you dont (yet , Norman,) have a simple program to edit the variables, this time you gotta get your hands dirty and truth be told actually, theres not much need for a g.u.i. , all the changeable parameters in normans j.script file are easily understood after 10 mins of looking....

                            i got a version working at

                            sites not finished by the way har har so dont judge anything other than the dropdowns...

                            one other massive difference ive noticed and i dont know if normans tweaks to nortree fixed this for nortree but with the cascading menu, after you have loaded the menu on one page and then go to another, the drop downs then appear BEFORE all the content has loaded, an old issue where i.e. rebuilt the menu every its cached, hurrah!

                            anyway, i think theres loads of mileage in the cascading variety for all the neat formatting and tricks you can get up to with it...roll on a years development of that in the same way normenu grew is what i say!

                            ps. one of my clients has just told me you can run nortree AND norcascade at the same time, how about that then !!!! She wants to know can she keep both......

                            steve q
                            harlequin domains


                              Hi Andrew,

                              I looked at the site last week and thought it was a very nice clean site. I couldn't even find a spelling mistake to report back!

                              Well done.

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