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    ooppss yes

    i did mean to mention i thought your site was very nice and neat, and clean, well thought out and lots of effort, lets hope it makes you a fortune ,

    ps. if i use the word 'clean' it is a high honour in my books...

    steve quinn
    harlequin domains


      It rocks!

      Really great looking and functioning site! The cascading menus are like lightening for me. This has inspired me. I feel a redesign coming on...
      Chris Brown


        Thank you for all the feedback, great to see so much positive feedback, makes all those long hours worth while.

        It is also great to see people making use of the cascade menu and even better, Norman's development of the menu for Actinic users.

        There have been a a few orders so far, so fingers crossed. Now this is done, I'll have to start looking for a new job, hopefully someone who is looking for e-commerce work.


        <a href=></a>


          Nice. But how did you do the 'top 5 products'? Do you just add that manually, or is there a way of doing it automatically using actinics stock control?


            Originally posted by jxm28788
            Nice. But how did you do the 'top 5 products'? Do you just add that manually, or is there a way of doing it automatically using actinics stock control?
            The top 5 was done manually. This was for speed reasons as well as controlling what appeared (you may want a broad range of products represented). I never investigated an automated approach, especially because the company I am working for decided not to use the Actinic stock control facilities.

            The initial list for the site launch was decided arbitrarily by the business owner.

            They are currently deciding for future lists, whether to base these on the Actinic Sales reports or on the overall sales figures (as they have two high street shops as well) for the business.

            I imagine the answer you were hoping for was that it does it automatically. I'm sure it could be automated as all the info required is held in Acintic Database.


            <a href=></a>

