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PSP Pending

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    PSP Pending

    I have just opened my shop ( and have received a few orders.

    I am using Barclays Merchant Services, with E-Clear.

    When I download the orders they go to the 'Pending PSP' section, with a message saying
    "One or more orders did not have their PSP processing completed at the time that the order was downloaded. This is usually because the buyer aborted the transaction before entering their credit card details. If they are in th emiddle of the order, the payment will be detectd when you next download orders. Otherwise, the orders can be viewed by clicking 'pending PSP' in the 'Orders' window"
    According to e-clears website the payments are 'pending'. Apparently all payments are sent off in the evening for batch processing.

    Therefore, I expect the 'pending PSP' is correct as the PSP has not cleared the payment until after the batch run.

    However, the payment from yesterday has gone through the batch run last night and is now set to 'posted' (paid?) on the e-clear website. BUT, Actinic still has the order in the 'PSP-pending' section, with no payment details listed.

    Can someone tell me how to update this (I tried CTRL-D)? What is supposed to happen here? Is actinic supposed to goto to e-clear and say "is it done yet?" or is e-clear supposed to go to actinic and say "it's done now". Is this done in real time, or at various times during the day?


    The way that the PSP functionality works is that after a customer has inputted his/her credit card details on the PSP server, the PSP then does their checks and if everything comes back ok, they send a callback to your server in the form of 'ordernumber.occ'. This is what tells Actinic to put the order into the 'Pending' tab rather than the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab when you download the orders.

    You can check if this is happening by placing a dummy order and then using an FTP client, look in the 'acatalog' folder on your server to make sure the order is there (ending in .ord). Wait until E-Clear have processed the order at their end and then look again on your server to see if the .occ file is there.

    If it is and you download the order but it still goes into PSP Pending then there is a problem with the software. However, if you don't get that callback file then you will need to contact E-Clear to find out why it is not happening.


      I don't have any .ord OR .occ files... Do the .ord ones get deleted when I upload the order?

      I will contact e-clear and see what they say about the missing .occ files.




        Do the .ord ones get deleted when I upload the order?
        Do you mean download? If so, then yes. Once the order is downloaded into your software it is removed from the server.

