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Customers Overriding Quantity

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    Customers Overriding Quantity

    Is there a way to stop customers ordering over what stock quantity is in hand.

    e.g. 10 in stock but customer can add quantity of 50 leaving -40 in stock


    Restrict maximum quantity to what you have available. If you only have 10, then max qty allowed should be ten or fewer. This facility is on the details tab (on v8 and later, not sure about 7).
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      Have you got back ordering enabled?

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



        Thanks for the quick reply

        Back ordering was not enabled but customers could still by as many as they want. Is this right?

        Will set the maximum order to match the stock and try to remember to change it everytime someone orders something.

        Any other suggestions?



          Originally posted by James-Paterson
          Will set the maximum order to match the stock and try to remember to change it everytime someone orders something.

          Any other suggestions?


          Ridiculous, isn't it?
          I've moaned and moaned about this in the past and STILL Actinic haven't done anything (or said much) about it.
          It's still the same in V8 and V9 as it always has been.

          Come on, Actinic. Tell us you're planning to do something about this at some point....please!


            I've moaned and moaned about this in the past and STILL Actinic haven't done anything (or said much) about it.
            We did introduce the 'Stock' tab in Site Options in 8.5.3 and v9. This allows you to honour the max quantity settings of an associated product when ordering it via a component. SO that, together with Jan's stock manager, will basically make it work as you need it to.

            Hope that helps.


              That only helps with associated products though, Chris.

              What about 'standalone' products?
              you could still have a stock level of 5 and, without maintaining the max qty orderable levels to match, someone could still come along and order 10!

              I use the Stock Control Mole from Mole End (along with another, invaluable, little nifty program) to maintain my max qty levels but what I'm trying to say is that Actinic should be doing this...not 3rd party add ons.

              What's the point having the max qty setting if you have to MANUALLY (without using an add-on) maintain them?
              Hardly practical is it?

              [end rant...for now ]


                What's the point having the max qty setting if you have to MANUALLY (without using an add-on) maintain them?
                Because many shop keepers are happy to receive orders for items they don't have in stock because they know they can get re-stocked in a day or two. Your business model is different from this as you tend to deal in one-offs, so this is understandably a sensitive area. I just want to make the point that many other businesses work differently and have different stock requirements.


                  Chris, it's true that many businesses have different approaches to stock management, but the helpful approach would be to include an option for 'set max orderable to qty in stock'.


                  PS. This isn't just for one off items. Distributors quite often run out of stock themselves and the safest option is to only allow orders when the stock is actually available.

                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Originally posted by cdicken
                    Because many shop keepers are happy to receive orders for items they don't have in stock because they know they can get re-stocked in a day or two.
                    Which is why there is already an 'allow back orders' option, yes?

                    Originally posted by cdicken
                    Your business model is different from this as you tend to deal in one-offs, so this is understandably a sensitive area. I just want to make the point that many other businesses work differently and have different stock requirements.
                    I appreciate that and I'm not meaning to sound 'me, me, me' about it.
                    I'm just not sure how you (Actinic) decided that using the 'use max qty for associated products' was any more important that using the max qty for any other products!

                    Both options would have made more sense or, at the very least, a check box at site or product level, as Mike has suggested.

                    Just FTR, Jesters doesn't use ANY stock 'control' at all. It's completely disabled. So I'm not completely narrow-minded about the whole thing.
                    I do, however, envy it!


                      Would a form validation test work to check if input quantity <= available stock

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

