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Send order details to SECPay?

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    Send order details to SECPay?

    Hi everybody,

    When somebody orders from my website and pays by credit/debit card, they go over to SECPay for card processing. Obviously, customer's name and address, IP address, etc. go up to the SECPay server, and get recorded there, as well as on my local PC when I download the order.

    What I would like to do is also to have basic order line details sent up to SECPay and stored there. SECPay allow for this - they have a variable that can be used for this.

    I think I'm right in saying that there is no setting within Catalog 5
    I can use which would cause Catalog to send order line details up to SECPay along with everything else?

    If so, would anybody know what I would need to do (change a template, change a script, or both?) to make use of the SECPay order line variable & send the customer's order details (i.e. what products they have ordered) up to SECPay?

    Many thanks.


    In order to do this you would need to hack the Perl scripts in order to concatenate the separate order lines into one text string (although you'd have to decide what you wanted - for instance, would you want component details, or other info prompts etc.). Once you had done that, you would have to make this concatenated string available as a variable to be passed in the SecPay bounce page.

    I would have to say this is a massive amount of very complicated work, so probably not feasible with Actinic.

    Sorry about that.

