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Nortree help

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    Nortree help

    I have just installed Nortree to create cascading menus in Actnic V6.

    I have 2 questions.

    1) In the catalogue I get little triangular icons to indicate sub menu choices. But on the brochure pages patched in accordance with instructions, the menus work fine but I dont get the little triangles. Anyone hazard a guess why?

    2) The menus "jig" their way down the page as I scoll down, which means they end up obscuring things I don't want them to. Is there any way to make them stay still?

    Any help appreciated

    1) Triangles. You have to manually FTP a copy of these little triangles into the home page directory of your site in order for them to work on the first brochure page. They shoulod already be working on other brochure pages as these come from within the acatalog directory.

    2) Scrolling. The menu can be fixed in place (so it scrolls out of sight) by running NorTree / Position / Behaviour and setting that to Top. The StartTop value then determines it's initial vertical position. Do Create Vars and Save Settings and that's that.

    Note that only yesterday I posted an update to NorTree that dramatically improves the speed of page loading. Check for it.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman

      Everything is fine now.

      Re the update, unfortunately I am using business and need account holders to be active, so I guess I will have to take a speed hit.

