I want to add another option to my checkout, below the terms & conditions tick box. It will be a declaration ("I am over 18" for example, or "I am a business customer" for a b2b only site).
I can add another tick box by using the 'user defined' option in [design/text/website(cont)/invoice address]. However, a tick box would be no good from a 'legal declaration' point of view because they can just leave it at the default, and then later claim they were the 'other option' but didn't change the option at the time because they didn't see it.
I guess what I need is 2 choices (ie. "I am under 18"/"I am 18 or over"), neither of which is selected by default (otherwise again they can later claim they didn't see it and just pressed continue, 'accidently' selecting the default)
So this has to be 'choose one or the other' - if neither is chosen the cart will just error in the same way it does if they don't tick the mandatory 'i accept the t&c' option.
So I'm guessing I would have to use radio buttons, but with no default set. How can I change the "user definable" from a check box to radio buttons? (I'm assuming the code is hidden away in design/text somewhere)
I can add another tick box by using the 'user defined' option in [design/text/website(cont)/invoice address]. However, a tick box would be no good from a 'legal declaration' point of view because they can just leave it at the default, and then later claim they were the 'other option' but didn't change the option at the time because they didn't see it.
I guess what I need is 2 choices (ie. "I am under 18"/"I am 18 or over"), neither of which is selected by default (otherwise again they can later claim they didn't see it and just pressed continue, 'accidently' selecting the default)
So this has to be 'choose one or the other' - if neither is chosen the cart will just error in the same way it does if they don't tick the mandatory 'i accept the t&c' option.
So I'm guessing I would have to use radio buttons, but with no default set. How can I change the "user definable" from a check box to radio buttons? (I'm assuming the code is hidden away in design/text somewhere)