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actinic has stopped sending emails

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    actinic has stopped sending emails

    I am still only running ver4 but it works for what I need - with a purchase I will get sent an e-mail to say a purchase has been made, this has for some reason stopped. Any suggestions as to why? have checked and checked my settings not 100% sure where it picks up my email address from to check if its wrong any help would be gratefull. Have been told ver 4 no longer supported so on my own to sort it out.

    thanks for looking anyway

    you'll be hard pushed to find someone still running V4 but does it pass a network test?
    I assume V4 had such a thing (can't remember!) but it'll be in your network settings area.
    Run a network test, if you can, see how that goes and report back.
    Also, who is your host? Maybe they've changed something (most likely reason)
    It's worth contacting them to ask


      I'm not sure if V4 has one or not, but look for the errror log on your website (/acatalog/error.err). If there is one it should give you some clues.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Yes, V4 has a network test, it has network settings like all versions.

        in all probability your host will have changed something.

        go to network settings and tell us what SMTP you have, and go to business settings and tell us the email address you are using.

        I don't think V4 has the ability to use authentication, so you can't type in password etc if your host requires this.

        Ask your host if they have changed the way they authenticate email, ask if they have changed their spam filters, ask if sendmail is active.

        Do all this and report back.


          Originally posted by pinbrook View Post
          Do all this and report back.
          And then go and make the tea.


            mines coffee with 3 sugars

