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script error stops padlock icon on SSL page

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    script error stops padlock icon on SSL page

    My customer has actinic catalog ver 6 running on Claranet SSL server site is also on Claranet ( when the user is transferred to the SSL checkout area the padlock no longer displays at the base of the page. Claranet assure me that despite the shop sitting within a frameset on this domain the padlock should show, and suggest that there is a script error actinic software is now causing that is stopping the padlock being displayed:

    char 1
    error: object expected
    code 0

    it has happened recently so I am guessing it is something our customer has done. hoping someone can help?

    The script error is because of the mini-shopping cart in the design. The following tags are in the <HEAD> section of the page:

    <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="actinic.css">
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript">

    Actinic looks for those files within the 'BASE HREF' directory. This is specified by a line of the following form in the <HEAD> section:

    <BASE HREF="">

    Your non-SSL pages use the BASE HREF above, but your SSL pages use the following BASE HREF

    <BASE HREF="">

    This, I think, is what you have for your SSL Catalog URL in 'Advanced | Nework Setup'. Try copying "actinic.css", "actiniccore.js" and "actinicextras.js" into this directory.

    With regards to no padlock, you could see if this improves things, but I don't think it will. You need to break out of frames for the checkouut. Use 'No frames in checkout' in 'Design | Options | Misc' to do this. Also, check the context-sensitive help for this field for details of how to remove ALL frames when you go into the checkout.

