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Double counting bug in sales reports?

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    Double counting bug in sales reports?

    I was trying to find out how many of a particular item I had sold and was surprised by the large number in the sales report. I managed to round it down to one particular day where it said 310 of a particular item has been sold. However, on closer inspection it turned out there was only one order that day with that product and it was for 180 of these items. However, the order had been backordered as follows -

    Ordered - 180
    Dispatched - 50
    Backordered - 130

    So it seems the sales reports has added together the 180 that were actually ordered and the 130 of that order that were dispatched at a later date. So if this is true then this double counting of backorders can totally screw up the results in the sales reports - epsecially for larger orders which are by their nature more likely to be backordered...

    Is this a known bug? - New! - Newest!


    Try the attached SalesAnalysis.rpt file. Backup your current one in the v7 installation folder before replacing it with this one.
    Attached Files


      Older versions of the sales report have always been buggy IMO.

      I'm still on A5, and in that, cancelled order quantities are still added into the sales report, but only in the quantity count, not in the £ amount.

      Ordered 3 @ £3 each = £9
      Shipped 1 = £3
      Cancelled 2

      Sales reports 3 sold Total £3

      Tracey, is there a similar report fix for A5, or is that just too ancient for support?
      or is it worth trying the A7 one that you have offered?

      On a seperate but still related matter, one thing to watch out for if you have a large product catalogue, where you are adding and deleting products on a regular basis, is the way Access reuses old product codes.
      If you delete a product, and purge, the old code is then reused when you add a new product.
      This can lead to incorrect rendering of historic product sales reports.
      Not much you can do about it (short of never purging, which isn't an advisable route), but something everyone should be aware of, which I don't think is mentioned in any help file.


      Product A (Product code 101) - sold 12 in Feb 08
      Product A deleted from catalogue in Mar 08
      Product B added in March 08 and reuses the now freed up Product code 101.
      Product B sold 8 copies in March.

      Sales Analsis report for Jan-Mar run at end of quarter shows.

      Product B sold 20 (12 for A 8 for B)
      (no mention of product A, as its code has now been reused for product B)

      If anyone has any suggestions how to work around this problem, I'd be happy to hear them


        Tracey, is there a similar report fix for A5, or is that just too ancient for support?
        or is it worth trying the A7 one that you have offered?
        I'm afraid that I don't have an amended report for v5. You could try the v7 one but back up your current report first then you can revert it back if it doesn't work. There may be too many differences between the two versions for it to work correctly though.


          Thanks Tracey.


            wow, that may fix the back order bug, and the cancelled items bug, but it introduces a bigger bug - the 'order by value' and 'order by quantity' options are now identical, no matter which you choose it lists the orders by value.

            Is there a more recent report that fixes this?

