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Barclays ePDQ

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    Barclays ePDQ

    Hello All

    We are looking at using Barclays EPDQ service within our site. Has anyone had any experience with this. Is it possible, easy to use, how much time does it really save over manual transactions through a terminal? etc etc.

    Steve Robertson

    I'm using barclays epdq but via a 3rd party (e-clear).

    Are you planning on using a 3rd party? I think the main reasons for this are the reduced costs. It was a pain to get working, but now it's done it works quite happily.

    The only thing is I'm not sure if it allows you to enter credit card details yourself (ie. if someone faxes an order).

    As it's completely automated the only thing I need to do is watch the paid for orders roll in, and check the e-clear system occasionally to make sure the payments are going through ok...


      not sure if we will be going for third party or not ywt. Our biggest concern is that quite often we have to part despatch, and it's our policy to only charge for what we despatch. Can E-PDQ handle this, or will we end up with loads of irate customers who have paid the full order price and only received part of their order. (This is a particular problem for us as we seem to have a large number of suppliers who obviously live in a different time zone/ dimension /etc etc)



        I'd also like to hear from other about this - eclear doesn't handle this situation very well... (well ok, it doesn't handle it at all as far as I can tell)

        I think that's what 'pre-authorise transaction' is for in business settings, but eclear told me not to use that...


          I seem to have something similar i think with HSBC. They call it a virtual payment system.

          Pesonally I prefer it to any other option. I have complete control over how, when and what is charged.

          In addition I can put thru my tele mail order and dodgy over the counter sales for a more secure authorisation.

          It is cheaper than the normal PDQ or a PSP and as secure as they are. Plus I get the ECI-flag.

          I didn't want a third party as it would have got
          a) complicated due to the despatch prob you mentioned
          b) Didn't want a customer leaving the site. (I hate ordering off stores where you have too, I am sure other people do too)
          c) Just didn't see the point when I could do it with Actinic and my own https:// just as well.

          The VPS is quick, easy, accurate, banks nightly and I know what is happening.

          I guess you can tell I am VERY happy with it.

          for music, instruments and all that jazz....

          0800 328 5294.


            what's eci-flag?

            does it tell you the customers address/postcode?

            Can you give me a link to their website?

            E-Clear seemed to have stopped responding to my e-mails since I pointed out their service doesn't do what their website claims...

            And I've had a few users report problems payigng at my site, and then have gone elsewhere...


              Hi there.

              An ECI-flag is an e-commerce indicator flag. To make identification of E-commerce transactions easier for those who need to know. It is also, according to HSBC, law. I got these quotes off the web for you

              VISA and MasterCard Compliance programsBoth VISA and MasterCard have Chargeback Monitoring and Fraud review programs that havebeen designed to mitigate fraud risk and curb Chargebacks. ...........Effective June 2000, VISA and MasterCard instituted new regulations that require merchantsconducting business over the Internet to transmit an eCommerce Indication (ECI) flag on anypurchases made on the Internet. Most Internet payment gateways have been certified to passthis flag. Check with your payment gateway provider.
              MasterCard and Visa now require all internet transactions to comply with their Electronic Charge Indicator (ECI) flag requirements. This is a software embedding signal that notifies the processing network that the charge originated from the net.
              Put ECI flag into for some ideas on it.

              You won't find anything on but, as far as I am aware, it is UK law as well as USA but theyare more vocal .

              I spoke at great length to HSBC, Visa, Actinic, Comodo, Harlequin Domains (My Site Host) etc.. when the bank tried to force me to a payment service provider. I dug my heals in and eventually got what I wanted from HSBC.

              Their direct phone is 0116 281 8548. You won't find anything on their web site about it, or visa's.

              Hope it helps, it was a while ago I had this fight (Easter I think) but it was worth it.

              Oops I hope I havn't gone on too much...sorry


              for music, instruments and all that jazz....

              0800 328 5294.

