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Verifying downloads

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    Verifying downloads

    Hi everyone

    We use the digital download feature in Actinic v6. We have had a customer state that they did not / could not download their purchased product.

    They also stated they did not receive the automatic confirmation email from us, nor from WorldPay. Though no emails bounced back to us or WorldPay.

    They have subsequently charged-back the transaction to us.

    Is there a way of telling whether the link in the confirmation email has be opened or whether the downlaod file has been accessed?

    We get very few chargebacks, however approximately half are from dubious customers who used their own cards!

    If anyone from Actinic reads this....we would definitely pay to have this sort of feature added to a subsequent upgrade - if it is not already present.



    The fact that the customer says they received no confirmation email from Worldpay makes me very suspicious.

    Also the fact that the first thing they asked you for was a chargeback - not a request for the file to be sent to them on CD. It all makes me rather suspect that you have been the victim of fraud.

    I know server logs can detect and record when a link has been clicked on. But there would be no way of telling whether this particular click was from your suspicious customer though.

    I will request this feature on the wish list.



      Thanks for adding it to the wish list, such a feature would be a major benefit for those of us selling download products.

      (We have exactly the same feeling about this customer and have challenged the chargeback. Unfortunately for them they used their work email address, so if they do not pay their employer will have to.)

