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Newbie Qu - confirm/checkout page redirect

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    Newbie Qu - confirm/checkout page redirect

    If someone could help it would be greatly appreciated... most of the problems I've had setting up I've managed to fix using help files or searching forums but this one has me stuck! When someone adds something to their basket and clicks confirm, or when they purchase and have completed checkout, its taking them to a completely random page (well not random strictly speaking - its always the same page - just most of the time it has no relevance to where they were). The URL is and the problem is that any purchases from the clothes section result in the user being dumped in fantasy gifts rather than back to the home page, or ideally back to the *clothes* root page. If someone is good enough to try and help and runs a test purchase it would be appreciated if you could give your name as Test Purchase or similar cuz I get ever so excited when I see orders and my fragile state of mind can't cope with disappointment

    [EDIT] Doh! Helps if my URL is correctly typed

    Many thanks
    Steph Hall ~ Only blonde on the inside...

    Hi Steph,

    First of all, the page that the user is returned to after completing a purchase (or if they abort a purchase) is specified in Design|Option|Misc.|Generation Options|URL for Completed or Aborted Checkout - is it this page users are being returned to.

    Secondly, I have just tried to add a Barbie Heart Top 18-24 Months to my basket and confirmed it. It returned me to the correct page i.e. the Barbie Heart Top 18-24 Months page.

    Some users do experience problems being referred back to the correct page. This usually occurs if they have Norton Internet Security privacy controls set up on their PC. This blocks the HTTP_REFERER part of the script telling the browser where to go. What normally happens is the user is returned to the base page of the catalog (acatalog/index.html).

    I converted my basket into a purchase (Test Purchase) and was taken back to the Fantasy Gifts page. Check what the settings are in Actinic (as per my first paragraph).

    Hopefully this is of some help.

    <a href=></a>


      Some users do experience problems being referred back to the correct page. This usually occurs if they have Norton Internet Security privacy controls set up on their PC
      This also happens with ZoneAlarm users (I believe the offending zonealarm setting is 'remove private header information')



        Didn't actually have a URL set up for complete/aborted checkout, (oops!) although I still can't see why it would choose some random place in my gifts section to dump people! The dumping was happening to me - and I AM running under norton.

        Have now fixed that so the post-checkout redirect is going to the right place but can't for the life of my find where I have fantasy_gifts.html specified as a place to send people after confirmation. And it just seems to be juch a weird choice of page even if it is a prob with the http_referer and norton. The catalogue index would be OK - not ideal but OK but gifts is just... stoopid! Its a completely different set of customers for the most part!

        Help very much appreciasted though - half the problem solved!

        Steph Hall ~ Only blonde on the inside...


          You normally get returned "if nothing is specified" to the page containing the last product you added to the cart
          Owner of a broken heart


            checkout confirm redirect

            Hello All,

            I have searched the forum and found this thread but still have not solved the problem.

            When a customer clicks 'confirm' to add an item they add the item and then get redirected back to my website homepage. I would rather they were redirected back to the item they just added or at least to www.mywebsite/acatalog/index.html.

            My settings in design options - misc - gen options are :

            generate cgi templates - checked
            generate html and search files - checked
            compact html/cgi - checked
            use <br> for paragraphs - checked
            url for completed and aborted checkout - left blank

            Im using actinics secure server and im not sure if changes will mess that up ?

            Im sure its easy but im too scared to make changes without some advice these days

            Many thanks

            Kind regards,




              What version of Actinic are you using? If it is earlier than 6.1.4 then I would recommend upgrading to 6.1.4 as that has a fix in it that works around Norton Internet Security's habit of always returning customers to the root of the 'acatalog' folder after people have added to the cart.

              If you could give us a URL, other people can test your site for you and check it over via a variety of connections.

