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Add to cart redirecting to other sites

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    Add to cart redirecting to other sites

    I started this project last week when I had a few spare hours last week and have now spent many hours trying to develop. However I started without asking a few basic questions.

    I'm trying to create mainly an affiliate site so 99% of the time I want to direct customers who are interested in particular products out of my site and to the sellers.

    1) Is it possible to use the 'add to basket/cart' button as the link to direct them to another site? (I do have the url of the destination page within my product csv file that I download into actinic)

    2) If so can this be done by flagging somehow in the csv file that I download?

    3) In the future I may wish to add some of my own products that I wish to sell. Therefore if possible I want the option of the 'add to basket/cart' button to either re-direct or actually add to basket.

    What field in Actinic are you storing your external URL's in?
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      They are included in the file but I have yet to map them as I'm unsure which is the best field to do this.


        I think i'd create a custom variable for affiliates then you can add each affiliates code to each product.

        Leave the actinic addtocart alone in readiness for the future when you will want it to work as a fully functioning button.


          So if I leave the cart alone I will then be able to use a flag as to whether it appears on a product or not i.e. to the customer they will see a button that either adds to cart or redirects, from a back end it will either use a custom variable or alternatively use the cart variable.

          Q. therefore I need to write a script that checks if a URL is available then use affiliate link and if not then use cart.

          Sounds simple, will this work?


            You don;t need a script - just use a blockif around the CV code to check if it is null or not. So if you don't enter any value for the CV (ie no URL) then it wil not show the code online.

            <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22MyVariable1%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">

            or simply:

            MyVariable1 != ""

