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.actxxsmall - Q for the brainy dudes...

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    .actxxsmall - Q for the brainy dudes...

    I'm trying to get the NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP to fit into a box but the lines are spaced too far apart and the list runs out of the bottom of the box.

    The section list is defined in "Act_SectionLineSmallText.html", and the font/size is defined by

    <span class="actxsmall">

    I have changed this to "actxxsmall" and while this makes the text smaller it is still spaced too far apart...

    I can't see a way of squashing the lines together - how do I do this...?

    ok, it seems it's not the actxsmall that is causing the spacing issue, as I have just used the same span class in a different place and there is no interline spacing.

    So where is this spacing coming from???

    aaarrrggghhhh - this is the only problem holding me up!

    Just so you can see what I'm yapping on about, here is what it looks like if I just fill the first box with normal text (for testing purposes) -

    and here's what it looks like when I put in the line NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP -

    btw. the 'top 5' is using exactly the same link/actxsmall structure as the "Act_SectionLineSmallText.html" file - but no spacing issues!


      Are you using layers
      Owner of a broken heart


        ok, I've found a workable solution in another thread (called 'toplevelsectionstop').

        It seems the reason for the spacing is that it is generating a table somewhere but noone seems to know where...

        However, if I go into design/text/website/html and change the "<TABLE width="100%"><TR>" line to "<TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%"><TR>" then it gets rid of the spaces.

        Although I'm not entirely sure what else this may be effecting...


          Are you using layers
          not knowingly!


            I cant see how you can overlapping tables without layers. Really weird
            Owner of a broken heart


              hi there, go to design>options>layouts and tell me which template you are using for top level section link layout...

              will post answer when i know


              if you post the template here, i will fix the spacing for you and show you how!!




                heres one i prepared earlier

                this is the code i used to achieve what you are after (use this in whatever template you are using for 'top level section link layout' , i was using 'Section name only - smaller size text'

                you can replace width, and height of the table to suit your needs, also you WILL need to replace the span class = for whatever yours currently is...
                as ever, back up the file you are currently using before you edit it...

                the height is probably your most important quest at the moment..

                replace the code in (your backed up) template with...

                <table width="100%" height="15" align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLINK"><span class="your span class">NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME</span></a><td>


                let me know if this helps...

