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can we have a 'current known issues and workaround' area on the forum BETWEEN patches

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    can we have a 'current known issues and workaround' area on the forum BETWEEN patches

    Actinic Support:

    hi guys, have found a solution to a problem that has been testing my patience for quite a while and its an answer to another problem you gave me that led me to this.

    the problem is, for a long time now, our client has been unable to mail out from within actinic, we have deleted all actinic, even from registry, done clean installs, changed his firewall software, configured his firewall software, tried just about everything under the sun and to be honest the client thought it was our fault putting us under loads of pressure, and wasting loads and loads of his and our time...

    the other day, i posted that we were having trouble with snapshots greying out and you advised that if starting actinic from a shortcut, sometimes it cannot find the appropriate dll and your solution to click catalog.exe directly worked immediately.

    following on from this i thought, could it be possible that type of error was occuring with my client who couldnt send mail out of actinic, i was almost praying, and whoopee, we tried it for him and for the first time in about 4 months his outgoing mail from within actinic worked......

    the point is this..

    yes, please, a fix to this particularly nasty problem starting actinic from a shortcut, who knows what else it is affecting and causing us all extra troubleshooting work...

    and two,

    thinking about this, and thinking about all the various solutions that come about in these various forums, could you have a 'current hotfix' area on the forum where you may have carefully edited the post, but one area where you can look for solutions to problems inbetween patches....this is a format most software providers take, and it is difficult sometimes if you come to the forum with a problem, but dont nescessarily have the time to read through all the (growing) posts.

    i know stuff makes it onto the knowledgebase eventually, but this is more a quick interim method that all actinic webmasters could log into to ensure they were not suffering from problems that already had a solution just not a patch.....keeps us all at the top of our game...

    example being, how many customers still running less than 6.1.3 are suffering from the way that links from google were returning page not found? (fixed in 6.1.3 but not mentioned much and even then mostly in the closed developers forum) often webmasters are the last people to know about problems with their sites, the first? their competition.

    steve q

    A good suggestion Steve.

    I would prefer to keep everything in one place, and that way we only have one set of details to keep up to date. At the moment, that place is the Knowledge Base, and stuff normally goes up there pretty quickly.

    I'll have a chat with the guys here and see if there is anything we can do to improve it.

