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Actinic ecommerce is unable to lock the counter file

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    Actinic ecommerce is unable to lock the counter file

    Hello all

    I'm having some trouble with an error message at the checkout stage. The error is:
    An error occurred while attempting to generate a unique order number. Actinic ecommerce is unable to lock the counter file. Permission denied
    I figure it is simply that the permissions have been altered but I'm not sure which file to change the permissions on to resolve this. The site has been up and running for years without this occurring previously.

    The same problem has been discussed previously on the forums at but the knowledge base links that were posted don't work any more.

    Does anyone know where I might find the articles in the new knowledge base or how to solve the error message I am getting?

    Thanks in advance

    Have you tried the new knowledgebase, red star top right of your screen, probably be in there if it warranted an entry previously.


      a search on the KB using the full error message or part of it will produce the relevant result


        I've tried part of and the whole error message and it only brings up: which is about when the directory path is incorrect. Otherwise not much else relevant seems to appear.

        I put the incorrect link to the earlier post in my original thread the correct link should have been

        Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

        Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 11:33 AM. Reason: Updating kb links


          Can we assume that fix does not work or you are not using a windows server?


            Yes, the directory path is correct and the error I have says about permissions not relative paths as in the kb example.

            I am presuming the old post is exactly what I am after because the error message stated is exactly the same as I am encountering, the kb data that was suggested in that old thread must still be on the new and improved kb but I'm just struggling to find it.

            Thanks again


              Hi Nick

              Usually when something has been working for a while and then stops working, it means that your web host has installed new hardware or software, and a setting on the server has been reset. More often than not, it is the permissions of the files that have been reset.

              Do you have a Unix/Linux server or a Windows server? If it's the former, you can edit the permissions yourself using the CHMOD command which is usually available via a right-click in your FTP program. The files in the cgi-bin need a permission of 755 (although the *.pm files work with 644) and the acatalog folder needs 777 (although 755 also often works).

              If you have a windows server, then you need to talk to your webhost and maybe point them towards this knowledge base article.
              Last edited by KB2; 23-Mar-2010, 11:27 AM. Reason: Updating kb links

