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Whole website not working in firefox!

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    Whole website not working in firefox!

    At first I thought the whole website was not adding to cart in any way, shape or form but it seems it's just in firefox. When I click add to cart I get this message...

    A General Script Error Occurred
    Error: The specified product (reference 488) has just been removed from the catalog. Please return to the catalog and continue shopping. If you press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser, the removed products will no longer be visible in the catalog. We apologize for the inconvenience.Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I've read the other posts about this error message but so far i've not found anything that works. If you try it out in internet explorer it adds to cart fine and works 100% normally. If you try to add to cart in firefox it comes up with the above error.

    you can test it out at

    i've tried doing a purge and refresh. I've even tried deleting some old products as I thought there maybe too many. And i've also assigned unassigned products to categories as someone said that it could cause issues.

    I'm completely at a loss and every second my site is down i'm losing money so please help if you can!


    I've just added a 'Restacked Tee Guys (White) by Atticus' to basket without any errors in FF.

    I can't find any instances of this error being reported only for a specific browser.

    If you can recreate the problem, I would suggest that you try changing the product layout to a default layout for one product only and upload and test it to see if it fixes it. If it does then you'll have to try and find out what the difference between the layout being used and the default one is.

