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Basket contents change AFTER PAYMENT!

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    Basket contents change AFTER PAYMENT!

    I just got an email from a customer who purchased 1 item. She went through all of the payment screens ok, and they charged her correct amount. But then she clicked continue on the payment screen to get to the receipt page and the receipt page showed the item twice (strangly, one after the other with a qty of 1 each, rather than combined with a qty of 2).

    She sent me screenshots of the payment page showing the correct amount for a single purchase, and the receipt showing both items with the larger amount.

    Now I thought for a moment that maybe she was mistaken or it was some kind of scam (who takes screenshots of the payment screen just in case? (maybe the back funtion works from the receipt screen?))

    But when I looked I found the following -

    1) My copy of the confirmation email clearly shows the 2 items for £50(ish)
    2) In my PSP screens the transaction clearly shows she was only charged for 1 item at £25(ish)

    Luckily when I downloaded the order into actinic it shows only 1 item in the order and on the packing list, so I wouldn't have sent 2 by mistake. But still confusing for the customer (and me if I look at the confirmation emails as they come in)

    Any ideas???

    If the order and PSP show the correct quantity and value, then it means that the *.ord file was created correctly on the server, a correct order details were sent to the PSP. It also means the correct payment details were sent back by the PSP to Actinic (or else Actinic would display 'Excessive Payment Received' when you downloaded the order.

    So the blip happened at the point that Actinic was told to write the receipt and write the confirmation email. I guess when the information was sent to the Perl script on the Actinic server (which builds the receipt) there was some interruption which meant that the details were passed to the script twice. The order script interpreted this as a double order line.

    That's my best guess.


      ok, so we're talking just some random 1 in a million event? and not something screwed up with the site?


        That's my guess. If it was a problem with the site it would happen on every order - not just 1.

