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I'm Stuck! Niggly little problems

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    I'm Stuck! Niggly little problems

    A few minor problems are bogging me down.

    1. I am still being forwarded to the wrong place after 'confirming' an item added to basket. But its a different wrong place now, apparently with no effort whatsoever on my part! All confirm clicks end up being forwarded back to the Clothes Store home. Which is fine if clothing has just been added, not so good if its something from the gift section

    2. I'm having problems with emails sent from Actinic on my machine. I think this is the problem mentioned with ISPs and anti-spam. I'm with btopenworld - if any supporty type person has any info on their line on actinic it would be much appreciated (I tried there website... but their 'link' to info on mail relaying isn't...). It is a personal account I have rather than a business account.

    3. Does anyone know how to get rid of the section dropdown list (preferably by telling me which file its located in so I can edit it to add something else instead)

    4. Read a message further down (it was lowcarbgoodies site review thread) which described how to get 2 columns instead of one. Thats fine, understand it perfectly, cannot get it to work on my home page. I am using the catalogue root as my home page rather than the brochure page which I'm ignoring the existance of. I think the problem is that I don't know how to make it apply to the catalogue root. I can get multiple columns in any other page!

    All help gratefully appreciated!

    1) I think that may be something to do with your security software interfering with the correct return location - try search previous posts for "norton" or "zonealarm".

    4) on my site (lowcarbgoodies) I got the 2 columns on my root catalogue page by going to design/options/sections/"default location and arrangement of section lists" and setting both column counts to 2.

