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extended info

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    extended info


    I have a client who would like the have the products in a section displayed without having an add to cart button, when you click the image of a product the product opens in the same window with further information about it, a purchase button, back button etc, additionally you have a selection of tick boxes to add recommended products. They would like to have 3 different tick boxes 1)to add teddy’s 2)add chocolates 3) add next day delivery. However they would also like to have a drop down menu enabled to allow the visitor a choice of teddy or chocolates after they have ticked the box. Please can anyone tell me if this can be done and how? .........note to self must stop saying yes before I know the solution

    Many thanx to anyone who can help

    Kind Regards


    Hmmm... well, we are not going to be able to do the whole design for you but here are some ideas to start you off.

    Norman Rouxel's site at tells you how to add an 'Add to Cart' button to your pop-up windows.

    The trouble is, you want to use optional components in order to do the flowers and teddies etc - and Norman's solution can only do attributes - not components (correct me if I'm wrong Norman)

    My suggestion therefore is to look at the Advanced User Guide on page p23, which tells you how to create a page full of product thumbnails, which then link to pages containing a single product (with an add to cart button etc.). It's just done with subsections, but it is quite affective.


      My patch implements the full CARTBUTTON on the popup page so anything that you could do on a product page ought to work there. Caveat. I think that's true. It won't hurt to try it and see.

      I recently revisited this technique when testing a method of having a "weekly special" type products on non-catalog pages. I used the extended info popup code to generate such a page (including full cart code) and then used an IFRAME tag to load it into a region of an off site page.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi Chris and Norman,

        many thanx for the help, I have a happy client John

        Kind Regards

