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linking from outside the 'acatalog' folder.

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    linking from outside the 'acatalog' folder.

    I am trying to link into the actinic catalog via a hyperlink from my main site. ( .
    I'm sure it was working last week - however....
    It ain't now!

    1. link to specific product:

    If you go to and click on the 'buy online' link near the Candyrag pink picture - I get a page not found error.

    I have followed the guidelines in the Adv User Guide and used code as follows for the specific product link:

    <a href=""><b>Buy Online</b>

    2. I would also like to be able to search the shop from here and have replicated the search code from within Actinic as follows:

    <form name=simplesearch action="" METHOD="GET">
    <tr> <td valign=middle noWrap align=left><input style="background-color: #F5F5F5" type="TEXT" name="SS" size="11" maxsize="125" value="Search Shop.." onFocus="this.value='';'#FFFFFF'"> &nbsp; <input type="image" border="0" name="ACTION" src="images/quicksearch.gif"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="PR" VALUE="-1"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="TB" VALUE="A"><input TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="SHOP" VALUE="">

    Can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong??


    It worked for me.
    Bob Ladden


      thanks for having a look at it Bob.

      If anyone else has got a few minutes, would you mind giving it a go and letting me know if you get any problems?

      I am wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that i have made quite a few changes to the main site and been in and out of the site and shop testing etc. As the changes were not via actinic, but just FTP to home page, could an old session id still be in place and causing me some grief?
      I don' really know much about session ids, but should they be cleared/ how are they cleared?


        I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with Bob here, it worked fine for me, the link to buy online and the search from the home page.

        If you want to purge your session files, do Help|Troubleshooting|Purge Session Files.

        Do remember that if someone is shopping they will lose the contents of their cart.

        <a href=></a>


          purging the session files seems to have done the trick - mind you, i have no idea why!
          thanks for your help


            still struggling...please help

            i thought i had solved my problem last night when i purged session files and then everything seemed to work ok.
            I have just tried it this morning and i am back to the same problem - when linking to a product from my home page , actinic tries to display a page that doesn't exist (

            - it should be displaying the page, anchored the specific product.

            i have replicated this problem on another PC as well (and also had feedback where no problem occurs).
            One thing i notice is that both 'problem PCs' sre running under Windows XP Pro and using IE6. Anyone know of any reason why this may cause a problem?
            The other thing i have noticed is that it may not happen first time through, but if you leave the site and then return, the problems start happening (ie. either page not found error or, in the case of 'Search', the search results screen displays with no images and doesn't correctly link to the selected product).

            Any advice would be appreciated - the site is 'live' as of yesterday.
            Also, if anyone has the same setup as me - Win XP and IE6, if you could try it , try it again and let me know if you have any problems going from home page to catalog via the 'search' or product 'Buy Online' link.



              I'M AN IDIOT!!!

              Sorry chaps,
              I was trying to link to a product on a following page that didn't have the ACTINIC_REFERRER parameter attached, and consequently screwed up my session - again. I have now added ACTINIC_REFERRER to all specific product links, deleted my session and everything works - YAYYYY!.

              Couple of questions :
              1. Do i need to put the ACTINIC_REFERRER parameter in the search code? if so, where does it go?

              2. session files etc. On the configure expiry period menu, what is the difference between 'delete shopping cart' and 'delete shopping list'? And is it this parameter that will terminate a session file? What are the recommended settings.

              Once again, i apologise for wasting your valuable time, if you have been looking into this for me.



                1. Do i need to put the ACTINIC_REFERRER parameter in the search code? if so, where does it go?
                Include this in a hidden form field within your simplesearch form:

                <input type="hidden" name="ACTINIC_REFERRER" value="http://your.URL/acatalog/">

                . session files etc. On the configure expiry period menu, what is the difference between 'delete shopping cart' and 'delete shopping list'? And is it this parameter that will terminate a session file? What are the recommended settings.
                Don't know about recommended settings, but a 'shopping cart' is simple a shopping session. A shopping list is created when customers click the 'Save' button on the 'View Cart' page.

