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Lost my pictures

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    Lost my pictures

    Hi Guys
    Just bought a new computer but stayed with windows XP to avoid software problems with Actinic, Dreamweaver, printers etc.
    All appeared fine, I loaded my library of pictures and Actinic and everything looked o.k. I had my template & correct colours all my pictures and setting seemed to be there. I shut the computer down & returned later, when I opened Actinic all my pictures are missing, theres just a blank with an x in it, just like when you have deleted a picture.
    The only thing different that was done in between closing & opening was a Microsoft update & an IE7 download.
    Help please!!!


    All appeared fine, I loaded my library of pictures and Actinic
    Sounds like all your images were outside the site1 folder and the file paths have changed.


      Lost my pictures

      Hi Mal
      I have checked the file extensions & they look fine.


        So are your images in the site1 folder


          Lost my pictures

          Hi Mal
          Yes the pictures are in site1 folder.

          Could ActiveX settings affect anything?


            website url?


              Lost my pictures

     but site is as loaded from my old machine, I have not attempted a new load up as I guess there will be no pics.



                If the images are in Site1 then the references must be wrong in Actinic.

                Try adding a new test product and assigning an existing product image and see if that displays with or without the 'cross'.

                Is your browser configured to allow images? Try another browser such as Firefox.


                  Lost my pictures

                  Hi Duncan
                  I have tried adding a new product with a picture larger than I normaly use it is still not showing but the outline of the larger picture is there?



                    As Duncan says if they are in the site1 folder and the paths are correct then they will work.

                    I have not attempted a new load up as I guess there will be no pics.
                    Use your test site built into actinic to find out as there is not much we can do if you say all is correct.


                      is this one of those ones where the image is in the incorrect format ie CMKY or similar.

                      go an steal an image of the web somewhere, download it to site1 and then use it as a product image - what happens?

                      otherwise you need to do as Mal say - upload in TEST mode


                        You can check if it's a CMYK or RGB problem by checking in both IE and Firefox. Firefox will render both but IE (and Actinic preview) will not. Generate an offline page preview in Actinic then copy and paste the URL into Firefox and see if you can see your images.


                          Hi after looking further there is a folder with all my pictures in site 1 but these are all old unused pics from years ago my main library is located in the c: drive I can only think that after loading onto the new computer something has been lost, if I put my pics into site1 and reselect them I can view them, only problem is I would have to reselect all of my pics and theres hundreds!




                            You can either go into Access (if you feel you're able) and change the paths or put the images into the same path that they used to be in by creating the directory structure as required.

                            You could also export the catalog and then change the paths in excel and reimport if you happier that way.

                            Either way backup well first.


                              lost pictures

                              Hi Duncan
                              fiddled on with access and could get the site working, but was not happy, so went back to basics and did a system restore, as the machine is only a week old and not a lot on it, no problem.
                              I reinstalled Actinic, copied my site in and all was well. then I installed my broadband connection, still o.k. Then was asked if I wanted Internet Explorer 7 when I installed this Actinic could not find the path to my pictures again.
                              I removed IE7 and it is now fine again.
                              I can only guess that the Active X element or something else in IE7 installed after Actinic is causing a conflict.

                              Thanks to all who tried to help.
                              Amber "the happy bunny"

