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navigation links (again)

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    navigation links (again)

    Hi again,

    I posted a query regarding this yesterday, thought i had cracked it and realised i wasn't happy with my solution.

    I could do with some pointers on how to add or edit the navigation links to send them to different urls that I specify.

    I've looked in the NQV dictionary but still can;t find where i should be editing to be able to add my own URL's etc in this section.

    Any ideas would be grateful as i'm not happy with the look of my way of doing it and want to find a uniform way of doing it inside actinic or its various templates.

    Cheers in advance folks!

    Classico UK -
    The Filmstore -
    fully licensed products [postcards, magnets, mugs, mirrors and more] wholesale & retail

    There is no way to add custom navigation buttons other then recycling the 'Home' link and then pointing it to a custom URL in 'Design | Options | Misc.'.

    You will have to add your own custom buttons into your design. Where you do this depends on which theme you are using. If your design is based on any of the clean layouts, or any of the specific designs (other than 'BusinessCSS') then you need to edit 'Act_Primary.html' and look for where it says NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE. Add your custom links in there.

