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my own catalogue top page

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    my own catalogue top page

    Is it possible to create a catalogu without the top sections being on one page, the reason i ask is i have create my own using DreamWeaver as this was far easier to customise than the actinic one due to the layout being difficult to edit (i thought). the problem this leaves however is i still want users to navigate back through the site with the (breadcrumb) navigation provided by actinic, this will lead them back to the ghastly top section page i am trying to avoid. can i change the top seciton URL to match my own page?
    Thanks for any help


    Hi there,

    I persume the following solution may help, go into Advanced | Template Manager | Main tab and click on the 'body' button (if in the graphical view please click on the 'change view' button) under the Catalog Page area.

    Comment out NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBODY which should then read <!-- NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTBODY --> save the file and exit.

    Preview the changes, to see if this has cured your problem.

    Hope this helps.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      Another solution is to turn your custom design into an overall layout template by saving it in 'Site1'. You can then select it as the Overall Layout Template for your front page in 'Design | Options | Layouts'.

      You will need to add in most of the <HEAD> section from a working overall layout template into your custom design in order for it to work properly. You will also need to ensure that none of the images used by the custom design are in sub-folders in Site1 - they all need to be just in the Site1 folder.

