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Suspended ordering

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    something is different on those products so you need to compare the two


      ah - getting worse

      Now unable to download orders or update site.
      When click on up or down arrows nothing happens - no progress window or anything.

      Suppose a complete reinstall might be an idea?

      BTW - thanks for all the support - greatly appreciated.




        When I refresh it appears to be working and then towards the end it crashes - get the following error message:

        "Actinic received a network error while merging files on the server. Try again later and contact your network administrator if the problem persists. The server name or address could not be resolved."

        Any ideas?




          Suppose a complete reinstall might be an idea
          Or instal actinic on a separate pc and import a snapshot to see what happens.


            Originally posted by keyboardsleeper View Post
            When I refresh it appears to be working and then towards the end it crashes - get the following error message:

            "Actinic received a network error while merging files on the server. Try again later and contact your network administrator if the problem persists. The server name or address could not be resolved."
            Long time since I used v7 much.
            However, I do recall this issue.
            Are you by any chance using two PCs to manage your site?
            I STILL have the issue sometimes if I use my laptop and alternate the computer I publish from.

            Simply re-publish straight away after.
            This works every time for me, now in v9 and with v7, but I can't promise.
            BTW, even if it does not merge, in my case at least, the site still works.

            Good luck


              Actinic received a network error while merging files on the server
              Common problem as above - lots of posts on the subject but unrelated to the missing buy buttons


                Sounds to me like a problem with you pc somewhere, either actinic has become corrupt the db has or you have a virus or similar on there. As suggested i would take a snapshot and and try importing to another pc and seeing what happens.


                  I can see some references to local files on your C: drive.
                  filename="C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_CartButtonImage.html"/>

                  Get a copy of Winmerge.
                  It will really help to pinpoint this sort of issue.


                    Thanks Everyone

                    Just wanted to say thanks everyone for all the advice.

                    The buy button issue was caused by some parts of the site not returning to "buy mode" after reactivating ordering. Went to the relevant catalog pages in Actinic and simply ticked "Can be ordered online". Did not touch these before that, so looks like a quirk/bug.

                    As for the refresh issue, looks like cgi and server permissions - will tweak those today.

                    Thanks again.



                      simply ticked
                      Its the simple things that get you every time

